Embarrassed to say that i have been on here a while so i understand well the difficulties everyone faces meeting people whether its females getting tons of obnoxious pestering mail / couples not able to find the holy grail and in my case single males struggling to seen and/or heard. So i would not be surprised if no one reads this - i thank those that are still on this page now
I think i am quite normal, ok looking. I write individual messages and am pretty courteous. Basically i try and be myself on here without turning into a crazed stalker. Maybe i should not be surprised that no one ever replies or gets in touch with me as i have the same problem in the real world.
But if anyone could spare some time to check my profile and provide any tips i would be very grateful. Just thought it might be useful to get some feedback before i either leave or Jekyll and Mr Hyde it and turn into a stalking angry single male on here. thanks again
well been on here (on and off) since 2005 and still no meets ha. dont know why i keep coming back. thanks and fair point on the my username lol its was meant more as an oxymoron'ic' joke. should change the name to loseroflove to make it more accurate.
nice to here someone isnt having the same problem.
thanks for all your replies. only thing i can say is that there are too many cool guys on here that get unnoticed. thats life!
I cant but help be negative been wondering around here (on and off) for 5 years nd tried everything (forums,chatrooms). Few times my 'charm' has worked the profile in question has ended up being fake and trying to sell me something or escort. Only thing left for me to do is stop wasting my time and leave. Wish you guys better luck!!a
My advice is go into chat room that is soon to have a social/meet..get a invite, go along , most are v friendly and nites are always a good laugh... That will break the ice!!
Couples appear to looking for thye Holy grain or a george Clooney character
lots of other guys are having the same problem,look at theads on here for meets and no one replies. One guy had 60 peeps look at his thread and not one taking him up
IMHO people place far too much stock on their profile, adverts, and posts in LMU. Let's be realistic here: everybody's got a profile, quite a lot with ads. And if you're posting in LMU and being ignored, doesn't that speak volumes?
The real secret is simply "getting known". The single guys who are getting the meets are the ones using chat, posting regularly in the Cafe, and getting out to socials. It's the only way to make yourself stand out from the crowd. A few words on the screen doesn't tell people who you really are. Getting involved and having conversations does. :thumbup:
"Couples appear to looking for the Holy grain or a george Clooney character".I didn't know George Clooney was a single bi-fem, well you learn something new everyday................lol, sorry ,couldn't resist.