Eek! One Week!
Quote by mazanddensorry you can't make it :cry:
Hi folks, sorry we haven't replied to this sooner!
We've got a virus on the comp so loggin on takes forever, we've been all quiet on the SH front for a while now!
We're not going to be able to make this onee as although den is off work, he has his xmas do- a weekend away (after xmas?- go figure!)
Anyhoo, hope you all have a fab time without us and we'll hear all the goss no doubt!
m xxx
Quote by SteveRit
Hi I was chatting to Benson the other night in the Yorks room and she said if I put our name down there might be room to fit us in
By us I mean me and my buddy Playinglady69
We have been trying to be here for one of the Derby or Notts do's but unfortunatly work and other commitments have got in the way.
I do hope you will let us come if we promise to be good ( though we can be very bad)