List closed. Final pm's have been sent out, it you think you should have one but haven't, please pm me.
As usual, the munch will be restricted to regular forum/chatroom users. For those of you who are not familiar with munches please see the attached link - Munch.
Mr Somersetcpl and I will be having birthdays this weekend :P
If you want hotel details please PM me, putting the word hotels in the subject box please.
The venue will hold around 250 people, so if you want to attend this munch please add your name to this thread or send me a PM.
There will be a Disco/Karaoke.
There WILL NOT be any food, so please eat before you arrive or afterwards.
Option theme:- Shimmer, glitter and tiara's (tiara's must cost less than £5)
As before the venue will be sent out to you via a PM, approx 2 days before, same rule applies that if you are not on the list then you will not gain entry to the venue..
You must have joined the SH site as a full/ paid up memeber before the cut off date of December 24th 2006, and be able to pm.
If you can help out with door security, please let me know.
Looking forward to another fantastic night !!