Hi, can you add me to the list too please. Ta!
can you put us on the list it will be nice to meet old friends again and some new ones
tra & jak xxx
hope im not to late to ask to come please
have put u on list and sent venue detailsxxxxxxx
thanks for letting us no xxxxxxx
Hi i know this is very last minute but would we be able to come to your social x.
yes fine will send u venue details
Thanks for a good night, nice to put some faces to names.
thanks to all those who attended lastnitexxxxxxxxx
I had a really good night. thanks Heavenly for all the effort.
ty for a great evening xxxx
big big apologies from us for not being able to attend or for letting you know we couldn't come, but unfortunately it was literally a last minute change of plan as we were all set to attend.
hope you all had a great night and hopefully we will see ya next time
gotta say im sorely dissapointed(ant speaking alone her)...dissapointed at the lack of ppl either not coming or saying they will then letting us down ...those of you with genuine reasons i understand but the rest....well .......I will say no more...