Quote by Darkfire
date I can do, snogs I can do, paying for some fooker elses night out? not a chance
unless its in kind :rascal:
Alreet! We'll stick with the first two for now and deal with the last one after you've got pished
Quote by LondonPlaything:shock: :shock: :shock:
Is there any chance i could be added to the list please?
In edit,it transpires that LP is also free this weekend so if it were ok would we both be able to come?
Quote by LondonPlaything
Top Man Dave :cheers:
by the way.... will anyone be traveling from afar?
if so, will you be hotelling-it?
any tips/hints... tried one a couple of times.. fancy a change...
and Dave... any chance of a slightly better idea of the rough location of said curry-house?
>getting from restaurant to hotels *throne*, quick-sharp could be a consideration... as I'm not sophisticated enough to be acclimatised to the delights of Curry-house errm.. curry! & :chilled toilet roll emoticon:<
Quote by LondonPlaything
LP no toilet talk, ya mucky bugga
Quote by Freckledbird
Dave have you warned the restaurant how many to expect? :shock: