hope the date wont clash with our busy schedule lol. x
Just don't pick 10th as that's the Manc Munch!
hi dave__notts we would love to come cant wait..
Hiya guys put us down cant wait woo hoo xxxx
:notes: 3rd Nov eh? pretty close to bonfire night! :notes:
:silly: well nothing like a curry and a big bang then eh ? :silly:
:thrilled: Suppose we can handle it lol Please can you put our names down to attend your informal, hot , with a big bang night? lol :giggle: Aye up ma ducks xxxx
Mrs and Mr B xx
Sorry Alex and Dave I cant make the curry night after all xxxxxxxxxxxxx have a brilliant night and see you soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dave please add me plus one to this and I'm hoping I'm going to be able to have my favourite curry (he he).
Replied on the forum as requested so that you don't have to look like a 'sad git'!!!
Looking forward to seeing you both again and enjoying a good curry.
Aye. Count me in if there's room for a lop.
Cant wait , not long to go till we all hit nottingham again!
happy swinging xxxxx
put us down would love to come for a ruby
PMs gone out. If you haven't recieved one then get in touch please