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NW MUNCH IV - Its Today !!!!!

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I take it Sarah has been setting up the room then rolleyes
C ya all soon kiss
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Can anyone tell me why we havent left yet ???????????????
so sorry we didnt make it our love bug broke down
Sex God
Quote by redwine_lover
The tone for the munch was sert this afternoon when Sarah stood up in the pre munch venue and asked if there were 6 men who would help her Sarah went off in to the distance, humping with six men.....
An hour later and obviously in need of assistance again, Sarah asked for another 6 men to help her hump in total sarah has humped with 12 men today..
and the munch hasnt even started!!!!!
Next update soon!!!!

And I enjoyed it.............. lol
Warming the Bed
i would you like to say thanks to vicky and her helpers i had a great time and was made to fell very welcome by every body i meet as it was my 1st munchie but it will not be my last looking forward to the next
Warming the Bed
Quote by redwine_lover
The tone for the munch was sert this afternoon when Sarah stood up in the pre munch venue and asked if there were 6 men who would help her Sarah went off in to the distance, humping with six men.....
An hour later and obviously in need of assistance again, Sarah asked for another 6 men to help her hump in total sarah has humped with 12 men today..

To Alll the big hunky chunky muscel men & helpers, a big thanks for the HUMPING in with the gear on Saturday PM, it was a greatful recieved.
Dj Ally