put our names down we are deffianatley up for it,
The mishe's xxxxxxx
We would beintrested too.
cheers for that put us down for lil fun just drop us a line when and where
Why not ask the townhouse if we can have it for the night?
Yep stick us on the list were up for a social need plenty of notice though
yeah put me down if thees room for a little one lol
We would be interested MnA, this use to be a regular feature prior to the take over.
Aswell as the main Munches there use to be mini munches held on a Wednesday evening in the Gay village Manchester, always a good attendance especially for a mid week get together.
We don't do Swing clubs so if your thinking of holding it in one cant help out there, if you want to know anymore about the venue, catch me in room or pm me
hi marknicky very interested but what approx date are you looking at?
hi marknicky very interested but what approx date are you looking at?
Hi mark and nicky, is this a cples only get-togetheror singles too? I went to a Blackpool get-toghter organised by scottish couple and was great and included free entrance to Passion club provided you stayed at their hotel which was very friendly and is a swingers hotel. Nights out in manchester and Liverpool are always good.
can u add me to the list?
hi i would be interested genuine older guy if you are opening it up for all forum users would love to meet some of the faces behind the chat names
Hi mark n nicky....
Good idea..and count me in.. am happy either way, whether its a social in a pub or a club meet/party....
Suggestion - if its a club meet..try Infusion in Blackpool cos its an ideal layout interior wise for a "party" environment, far better than most of the other clubs...i have no personal link or involvement with the club but from experience of going to most NW clubs, i have always thought that one would be ideal for a room meet party - they could handle the sort of numbers you will be getting
we would be interested put our names down please
markand nicky we would be intrested as we wanna get to know everyone in room as still classed a new ones lol
i'm all the club they must have dead b
hi im a single male but would deffinatly be intrested...
Awwwwwwwww yeah can we come .. can we ....pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I promise to keep the kitten
Vikki & dan