Cheers, looks like I'm gonna need it!
how big?
welcome to sh towers......grab i seat and a cold one.
Now that would be telling
Hi there WorcGuy and welcome to SH from a fellow Worcestershire resident.
True, there aren't many of us on here but never mind, just make the most of what you got.
Thanks all you who replied to me, I've been so snowed under at work, I haven't had time to check!
No if I could just let off some steam......
Well if you must know its 118 inches, when I sleep its got its own little bedroom down the stairs, and when its hard, I can see birds perching on it!
Thats fine, I'm quite free at the moment, more than welcome
Who you calling a waif and/or stray, I'm neither waif-like or er....stray-like. I am strong-like-bull and whatever the opposite of stray is.. :P
you got a lovely arse debbiewebs
ladies ladies, no need to fight ---- unless theres jelly involved! :mrgreen: