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Ok - is there really anyone genuine out there

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22 replies
3 watchers
We have been on this site for weeks - and have only met (or are about to meet) one couple who appear genuine (D/M - cheers). We have heard from a few people who seem genuine but its fallen apart for one reason or another....
Is this site really occupied in the majority a bunch of time wasters or are there real people who want fun ? If there are we haven't found you yet...sorry (soap box just collapsed)
PS - we have an ad 185368
So you mean the ads aren't working for you and you've come to complain about it in the forum? Where hardly anyone from the ads section will see it. rolleyes
not complaining - more amused at the number of ads and the lack of real people !!
I wish to complain about the number of real people and the lack of false ads please! biggrin
Quote by peenut
I wish to complain about the number of real people and the lack of false ads please! biggrin

:shock: How indescrete of you! lol
I too am disgusted at the number of people willing to meet other people, it is simply outrageous and people should be absolutely ashamed of themselves for thinking such lude,debauched and down right dirty thoughts! smackbottom
:lol: ;) Oh the joys of swinging heaven :D
Quote by siandjules
Is this site really occupied in the majority a bunch of time wasters or are there real people who want fun ?

Yes, we all like wasting time on here that could be spent healing the sick or helping the poor.... but hey, who wants to do that when Bob the Builder is on :shock:
you mean I missed bob the builder today? !
no - he just sent me a reply to my ad
Quote by peenut
you mean I missed bob the builder today? !

No... it's on right now! cool
Quote by siandjules
not complaining - more amused at the number of ads and the lack of real people !!

as i said on another thread i killed.....
you will see that people who use the forums and those who use the ads tend to be two different sets of in a sense i know it is frustrating, but you are asking the question to the wrong sent of people.... smile :) in the nicest kind of way...
get yourselves known on the forums and i am sure you will find a world of munches and parties will open up to you.. and at the same time you will find on the forum that most of us are genuine...
hope you enjoy your stay...
sean xxxxxxxxxxxx
What Fabio said
Sorry m8, just couldn't let u b the tread killer on this one, we are rappidly catching you up on killed threads rolleyes :twisted:
Did it ever occur to you that perhaps it's because there is no one who fancies you and that's why you've had no luck with your ad? dunno
It doesn't make anyone a timewaster, just because they aren't beating a path to your door you know rolleyes
A sad accusing attitude is not in the least bit attractive confused
of course - maybe it is cos no-one fancies us......I won't bother going on with that line of conversation
I wouldn't call our attitude sad - just philosophical and realistic !
anyway its nothing to do with the quantity of replies - its the quality !
Quote by siandjules
I wouldn't call our attitude sad - just philosophical and realistic !

I certainly wouldn't call it realistic! :shock:
Surely you've read some of the threads on the forum? Does the existance of threads advertising munches not tell you something important about the people on here?
Quote by Sexysteph
PS TJ hows the eardrum babes - mines killing me just come back from doc said its a viral infection in the neck and ear. Tis miserable aint it hon? :cry:

Certainly is Steph. Plays havoc with my balance when I'm out dogging. I dare not lean out of the car door too far or I'll fall out in a shitty heap on the ground :shock: rotflmao
I think it's the *bobing* motion of my head that sets it off again wink :grin:
Hope you feel better very soon kiss
TJ you really should fix the suspension fixed on that car, you need to find out why it has been bobing.
Mike the innocent.
What pisses me off about posts like this is people whinging about the ads in the forum! It's like going in a garage and complaining about the price of beer in a pub - totally irrelevent to the person you're talking to!
In fact, if I see many more like this, I'll probably just delete them!
Quote by siandjules
of course - maybe it is cos no-one fancies us......I won't bother going on with that line of conversation
I wouldn't call our attitude sad - just philosophical and realistic !

realistic... okay... can i use a hypothetical situation... if you were after a single bloke, and you hundreds of replies... do you answer every single one? i only ask before i know couples that are in the same situation.. so maybe you didn't appeal to that couple.. and maybe a lot of the others....
maybe attractiveness is as subjective as your choice not to even entertain single men..... just a thought....
if you decided that you only want to go thru tha ads... that is as subjective as us in the forum who decide to go thru munches.... are you beginning to see my point....
open your eyes and join in..... are you going to be to tell someone who is genuine from one reply to an ad.....are you going to able to tell if someone is genuine from reading their posts... probably more than the ad reply......
sean xxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by mal609
In fact, if I see many more like this, I'll probably just delete them!

That's not a bad idea actually. These types of postings are getting terribly boring for the people who use the forum properly confused
a reply that I can understand...thank you, I value your input
Yeah ... i like to consider myself genuine just having fun reading on the forum and chipping in when i feel i have something to say.....all i can tell you from my experience from this site and others like it, is that if you have a good look round and open your eyes to the site and what its offering it soon becomes easy to distinguish the genuine peeps from the time wasters. I hope you keep chipping in and if you do I am sure you will soon find peeps will get to know you etcetera etcetera etcetera :thumbup: