So where are we playing then? Can someone ring the Accy alley and see if its on this Thu? Or I still have some 2 games for price of 1 tickets for the venue we already been to. Show of hands please as its tomorrow!
We will go anywhere just let us know where ?
OK the decision is made - its Preston again. Any cples up for a game tomoz post a message. Players so far are :- Us (PLC), djcouple + Steveg & Blonde.
Steve won !!!!!!!!!
Thanx to everyone for a great night xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
And OOOppps ................ did I mention that Steve won ?? lol lol lol
Did I mention that STEVE won !!!! lol lol lol
I can take defeat.
Even if it was by SteveG !!!!
Well played matey.
So I must have mention that
Steve won ? lol
Its difficut to be totally precise, but I think it may have been Steve.
I think J from DJCouple was last ..................... was she not ?
And oh yes STEVE won !!!! lol
Now that we have got last Thursday bowling session out of our system its time to look forwards. I still have several 2 games for the price of one tickets left which expire at the end of July, so if everyone is up for it, we will go back to the same venue next Thursday.
We also have a walk arranged for next Sunday, so if anyone fancies a little trek over Pendle Hill, put your names in here.
We have had a bit of a chat regarding single males/females attending these events and the common consensus of opinion is as follows. No singles of any gender. If you are a single male and wish to come along, find a partner for the day/night. if you are a single female the same applies. This is purely to keep the mix of genders on a 1:1 ratio. We have found that this works best and is the formula we are sticking to. If you are single and wish to attend, there is no reason why you cant ask for a partner within this thread, and you are then more than welcome to come and join in the fun.
Anyway, thats enough rambling from me. See ya all soon.
Count us in for Bowling on Thursday when Steve can win again !!! lol
And the walk !!! book the ambulance ! Ta !!!!
Well, thats the usual six die-hards out bowling and walking. Who's next ?
After making the rookie mistake of thinkin' Mal is a woman you will understand why this post has been edited.
Guess I'll get to the back of queue and hang my head in shame.