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open fire, silk rug, fresh cream and strawberries

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Warming the Bed
Hi all.
Was wondering if anyone would be interested in a little indulgence, this Sunday (11/01/2004).
Can accomodate or travel your choice, however accomodate would mean.
A fresh Sunday morning, frost on the window, sitting on a silk rug, soft to the touch, delicately caressing your skin, sitting in front of an open fire, with flickering candle light, fresh cream, strawberries to heighten the senses....................................
And then i guess will just have to let things play from there rolleyes
Any further info or pics, please just give me a shout and will see what i can do
Look forward to hearing from you.
Sex God
Now that's what I call a setting for an erotic encounter - perfect. Have you been taking notes from Willxx69?
I hope you find what you're looking for Open minded. Good luck
Sappho xxx
Warming the Bed
I'm farliy new here so still gettin gto know members.
Well i'm glad you like my post, your more then welcome to come and join me some time, look forward to hearing from your in the future darling.
Take care
Sex God
Sadly, Open minded, I must decline - it's an age thing: you are too young for me, I'm afraid. wink
However, you are definitely on the right track and I'm sure there's a woman out there who will very much appreciate you.
All the best
Sappho xxx
Warming the Bed
well i'm glad i could at least get your imagination running, and give you at least a lil indulgence.
has been an absolute pleasure talking to you.
Take care darling and i hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.
Yes I have to say that the scenario did indeed look spookily familiar - even down to the choice of words to describe it. In fact, I very nearly posted on the thread when I saw it but thought better of it.
I had a feeling that someone else would do it for me, and she didn't let me down. But then, she never does!!
Sex God
Well, it all sounds so perfect. I'm sure you're get some takers for that. It's SO much better than the 'throw the doors open and ask for a shag' approach so you get full marks.
Good luck in your efforts, you deserve success.
Warming the Bed
Hi Will**69, sorry honest did not even know you existed let alone your post confused
I do apologise, if it's created any offence i will delete and re-write, i just wrote what came to mind, and what i was planning for Sunday.
I hope this dose not create any from of bad intenion.
Sex God
Don't think you have offended Will, he's a good guy.
Hi Will**69, sorry honest did not even know you existed let alone your post
I do apologise, if it's created any offence i will delete and re-write, i just wrote what came to mind, and what i was planning for Sunday.
I hope this dose not create any from of bad intenion.

Of course you haven't caused offence! No harm done at all. Simply a case of great minds think alike! It's a splendid scenario and I could not have put it better myself. In fact, I don't think that I DID put it any better myself. dunno
No reason why you should know of my existence as I generally stick to the Cafe and don't come into 'Let's Meet Up' very often.
I hope all goes well and you are inundated with offers. Those of us who believe that the English language has a lot more to offer than "any1 gagging 4 it tonite?" need to stick together. The best of luck, my friend.
Jags wrote:
Don't think you have offended Will, he's a good guy.
Awww, Jags! That's the first time you have made me blush! redface surprisedops: :oops:
Warming the Bed
Indeed, seduction is not only physical but also verbal.
And also implies that an extensive vocab, means yoru also very good with your tounge........................ rolleyes
BUt thats a whole other story
Strawberries and Cream sounds like a good aphrodisiac to me. Oysters are very overated. I ate 6 the other night and only three worked. lol
The oldest swinger in any town. :lol:
Sex God
Will - I could never make you blush, but thanks for 'pretending' (cue Eric Clapton)
x xx x
Warming the Bed
Quote by Sappho
Sadly, Open minded, I must decline - it's an age thing: you are too young for me, I'm afraid.

Hmmm can anyone in here be TOO young????
By the way - how old are you open minded?
Hugs from
Couldnt help smile at the implication of plaigerism of Will...after all he has been accused of it himself many times over the centuries...
.er Juliane..if Will is centuries old does that class as too old..or is it a cas e of where theres a Will theres a way???.....
...and Sappho...if open minded is too young...I must be in the right age bracket.....and shropshire isnt that imagination has been stretched far beyond that already????
Warming the Bed
Hi Juliane, i'm 23, to old to young who knows who cares, as long as you both enjoy yourself.
Humm seems like this thread has ruffled things up a bit in a good way of course :twisted:
Sex God
Humm seems like this thread has ruffled things up a bit in a good way of course

Definitely in a good way! That's what we like to see - a little social interaction on the forum!
Sappho xxx
Warming the Bed
Well i'm glad you approve Sappho!!!!!!!!
Always aim to please wink
Warming the Bed
Anyone would like to indulge in a rather interesting and comfortable Sunday afternoon?
Warming the Bed
Ahhhhhhh just to save any confusion, i'm male by the way, 23.
Warming the Bed
hey all anyone care to indulge them self tomorrow, kick back relax, and let the morning runn into afternoon, into evening rolleyes