Hiya all
good friend and I are having an open house few drinks maybe a few silly games with like minded adults on Xmas Eve .
There's room for people to stay if they so wish
Ok i knows i am quite new to this site but there are people who will be happy to vouch for me lol
Hope a few will like to attend
Pm me or leave a meassege here
Thanks hope to see a few of you Xmas Eve
Bugger does that mean i have t do the tidying up on xmas day lol
Looks like its Just the 2 of us
Oh well No Worries
Guess everyone Busy with Family Etc
if my wife not too tired can we come, wont be able to stay long asshe working earlies xmas day,
You will both be very welcome.
I guess i best go and sort some nibbles out.
I will PM you with details
Cancelled due to lack of interest LOL
Damn saw your request for ppl to come then saw it was canceled lol