Hiya how u doing im well interested im 20 and go to portsmouth uni, just tell me some more information like where and when
It would be good to talk to like minded people but i have never been to a munch before, what happens? can anyone tell me
Thanks for that . i mean i would love to go to a munch and chat to like minded people. A if we had to see what happens then great it would be cool i mean you right you never know do you...hehe
So com eon then how many of you are interested portsmouth is great for meeting people i should know i go to uni there and students know to have fun...hehe
now that sounds like fun im interested in that .Can i ask can single go just as well as couples
i will do my best whem im go back in september you never know who is there...lol
Im interested in organising it but would like to organise it with others to. if anyone want to do it with me
well you can take it as you want but i can bring scollege girls if you wanted but just keep it to us on here you wanted to was hoping thats what i can try and do. Would you people let me? or do it with me....lol there you do doubled meaning now...jokes....lol if u people want to to organise it i can but im not going to invite uni people am i just peeps on here
Well lets get it right, why dont me and on eof you organise it, its not for uni students at all its for us on here. if you anyone is interested in organising it with me please let me know. if not then im happy for someone else to do it
well im will to do it if anyone wants to help me organise it, i will not brings uni people just myself. is anyone interested in helping me?
Someone needs to explain 'munch' - sorry we are very new!!!
Munch mean to meet up with like minded people have some drinks and see what happens
how would i saw interest and commitment then?