our first party !!!!!!

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2 watchers
hiya we want to hold a small party in our 2 bed house we have limited spaces for cpls or bifems only if your interested the first 10-15 cpls will be given the details ,we live in a residential area so it wont be a late or rowdy do just some fun with likeminded ppl if this is u please reply to us
speak to you soon
keith and angie xxx
:shock: Forgot to send the pm hun but done now wink kiss
def no single guys ,im still a virgin (so to speak) as a swinger ,would like to meet a few of the SH stalwarts .First party down this way as well
del biggrin
rolleyes Come on all you sexy southerners its not often we see a party down our way so please dont let this thred die :cry: . As i understand it they want this for 26/ 02/ 05 so even if your not sure you can make it or elligible at leaste put your names down to show some support kiss
Yes Yes Yes I know I am a single guy before anyone has a go!
I just wanted to wish you all well with the party. I hope you get lots of pm requests to attend.
If it is successful why dont you have another and just invite 1 single male!! lol
Had to put that line in as it was expected! lol
Honestly - hope you have lots of fun. Good luck
sad Ok giving up on this now :cry: Funny innit ,people moan about the lack of meetings/munchies in the south (For us ordinary people) yet where are they all now ??
God you lot make me sooooooo mad sometimes mad And before you all say "Well its a busy time of year" CRAP did'nt stop people comming in the forum or going into chat did it ?
1st whinge of 2005 over :P
hmmm sounds like shit is about to fly
:idea: A date may help as there are so many munches going on but I hope it is a sucess for you and as a single male I cant go but all you couples in the south get replying
Southampton way eh?
Hmmmmmmm. Interesting. wink wink
:twisted: :twisted:
Quote by BiFemHants
sad Ok giving up on this now :cry: Funny innit ,people moan about the lack of meetings/munchies in the south (For us ordinary people) yet where are they all now ??

Without wishing to appear nasty, maybe there would be more response if the members were better known on the forum?
I see they only joined on 2 November and have only made seven posts, two of which are on this thread.
We would love to attend the party, but since we know nothing about them, we are a little wary so have not put our names forward as yet.
Maybe if they joined in a little more and we could get to know them better? Just our thoughts . . .
Tracy-Jayne & Jon
I know Tracy-jayne hun but surely thats the whole point of a munch, to get to know people, and they have already said that it will just be a social (with perhaps lol) after all we knew nothing about you and Jon till we met up at winchester or many of the others who attended.
Quote by BiFemHants
I know Tracy-jayne hun but surely thats the whole point of a munch, to get to know people

I agree Shaz but at the Winchester meet, we already knew people who were attending, plus we knew the organisers from the chatroom. You and others may not have known us, but some did and that's my point.
We don't know SCS at all. If we don't and we're on here a great deal (sad though that may be lol) perhaps others don't know them either.
As has been shown by the many other parties being organised, if you are well known as a regular, you will get far more people wanting to come to your party than if you're new and no one really knows you very well.
Well if it is the 26th Feb, it is the same day as Rio's.
Quote by BiFemHants
I know Tracy-jayne hun but surely thats the whole point of a munch...............

When did it turn into a munch? All I've seen so far is the old chestnut "We want to hold a party, couples and bi-fems only".
Steve dunno
mad Grrrrrrrrrr FFS Social then :twisted:
You lot keep picking holes, whats up with everyone today
Quote by BiFemHants
You lot keep picking holes, whats up with everyone today

Same as usual.........too few holes.
:giveup: :giveup: :giveup: OK you lot I give up :giveup: :giveup: :giveup:
But as Arnie once said "I'll be back". :P
Quote by BiFemHants
mad Grrrrrrrrrr FFS Social then :twisted:
You lot keep picking holes, whats up with everyone today

I don't see it as picking holes. Surely it's constructive advice dunno
SCS want to hold a party and that's fine, but if they haven't had much response, surely they could at least join us in the discussions?
I'm actually wondering if they are a figment of our imagination here . . . :dry:
hiya its us again our party is on 26/02/05 if u want to come pls say or we might have to cancel it , we are in the chatroom most nights if u have any questions or would just like a chat to know more about us
keith and angie
p.s thanks to bifemhants for supporting us and to tj for your constructive opinion xxxxx
Happy to confirm Scoastswingers are not a figment of the imagination! redface
Having spoken at length to Angie in the chatroom last night and by phone this morning, we are now more than happy to put our names forward to the list - that's if you'll still have us? wink
So c'mon local peeps, get your names down before the rush :P
Quote by RedHot
Happy to confirm Scoastswingers are not a figment of the imagination! redface
Having spoken at length to Angie in the chatroom last night and by phone this morning, we are now more than happy to put our names forward to the list - that's if you'll still have us? wink
So c'mon local peeps, get your names down before the rush :P

Its about time someone did something like this down here.