hello cockslut can u put me on the list for the social
I would like to come to the next social on Sat the 17th,could you put my name down and where it is.
sounds good will be there if not working
Unfortunately I won't be able to make it due to work commitments now.
Thought i could have 17th night off...but can't now.
It is shame cos don't get many Sat nights off...anyway...hope you all have a great time.
Send me the pictures tho guys...clean ones only tho...you know me...*straightens halo*... :shock:
ok lots have pms lol smiler jim,chris_05 hotleo alfie,curious_2 thanx cock xx
ok thanx funkmaster for letting us know yes sure going to miss a great nite and us 2 as well lol xxxx
hi there, hope im not 2 late 2 b invited 2 the social meet. ive never been 2 1 b4 and would like the opportunity 2 meet other people from the site.
noooo sarah we not missed ya out ur just to keen to know lol mails will be done in next few days trust me i thinks i knows wot im doing xxx
hi red devil you got a pm cock xxx
so sorri to hear that rach take care
Hi everyone
Can you put us down please.
Im back to retain my stripping championship title.
Dean Cannock will be after it for sure :shock:
With his dance of the 2 monsters or nekid starjumps. :shock:
The Sinfuls.
we would love to attend could we please have an invite
u .. heels you got a pm cock xx
Hi guys, We cant make this one so can you let us know when the next one might be so we can arrange babysitters etc.
Hope to see everyone soon as we start on our journey.
hi would love to be involved in the fun you are going to have please count me in
sorry cannot make it now as the ****holes are making me work
i am really fed up as i was looking forward to meeting all of you.
i will keep an eye out for next meet as i would love to come!
I would like to come to the social to
hiya ok them thats asked for invite since my last post you all got a pm thanx cock xxx
Hi cockslut
There's a chance we might be able to attend (baby sitters pending).. can we come?
yes we will put you on the list just in case lol be good to see ya xx cock