doesnt the title sound horny!! i often wonder what it would be like to meet a fit woman in town and walk somewhere quiet and fuck im waiting at the traffic lights and a smart woman pull across from me in an x5 or something smart,you can tell they make a good living,i wonder what it would be like to have her over the look at each other,she pulls behind me and follows me driving for a bit,i turn down a quiet road thinking will she follow,or is it just coinsidence that she is behind me,then she follows down this quiet lane and flashes the lights on her bmw x5.... i pull over into a layby,she pulls behind me,she gets out im looking in my side mirror at her,wearing a smart grey suit she walks over to the window and says to me,what do you want staring at me like that,i tell her i find her incredably attractive..... and it goes on from there,so if theres any women on here who wana abuse my cock get intouch