The venue will in Berkshire and I`ve made a booking for 20th August, I`ve checked out the local accomodation and campsites for those who want to try to keep the costs down. There is room for 100 of us. The cost for the day is £35 pp which includes;
Hire of equipment
Lunch (Hog Roast, or veggie burgers and salad)
Refreshments all day
300 paintballs
1 MK5 Thunderflash
The day runs between 9am - pm
For those who pay the full balance a week before the event another 250 paintballs are offered and for those who are totally trigger-happy it`s only £5 for each 100 extra balls needed. One free place is offered for each 20 who sign up, hit 30 and we all get a free smoke grenade; 40 and we all get two free paint grenades! :bounce: Those who wish to bring along their own equipment are welcome, but the equipment will need to be checked over to make sure that it meets site regulations. (eg, no chainsaws! :shock: )
The guy I spoke to was very helpful, and more than happy for me to make a booking for us trigger-happy pervs.

The deposit is only £10 pp, which can be paid to the venue direct. When members would like to make a direct booking then please PM me, and I will give you the details of the venue, but if you are to benefit from the deductions offered when you pay the balance, then you will need to let them know you are with the Swinging Heaven group, and if you give them your forum name I will be able to keep tabs on whose paid up when I ring them.
If we manage to secure 60 places, the site will be closed off to the general public for our use only. So spread the word! :D
Although I am quite happy for anyof the any SH members to sign up, in light of so many who post a couple of times and disappear, if we reach maximum numbers, and there is neither deposits or contact made by those who have signed up as we draw closer to the event, I will strike them off the list in order to make room for those who are showing a more reliable interest.
As always, the exact details are not to be posted on the main board.