Hello there
The relentless Party Organising Wheels of the SurreyCouple2003 Locomotive are turning once more and we are making the most of Summer!!!
We are hosting yet another Party for Couples & Females on Saturday 27th August.
Our parties are very relaxed and chilled out affairs and are ideal for anyone who is considering trying a party for the first time.
We hold these parties in a Fantastic venue in Surrey complete with indoor pool, dedicated Playroom and a Candle Lit Marquee.
As always there are no fee's associated with our parties.
If you are interested in coming along you will need to email us with pics and a contact number - due to the amount of time these parties take to organise and the ammount of timewatsers and single males that still persist in contacting us we will only respond to email that have both Pics & a contact number - and we are quite sure that the genuine people out there will have no trouble with that.
Our email address is
Hope to hear from you soon!