xmas party at the daredevils on thursday 27th wooooohooooooooooo
hey, hope i am invited!!! wooooo hoooo
me too hehehehehehe :twisted:
i forgot to say,,its a bring a bottle and own condoms party lol
its gonna be a crisp and nuts night lol lol
oooooooo this so remeinds me of when i had a new years eve party at 15.. i was allowed to invite 15 people which i did.. but then 180 people turned up, and WRECKED MY PARENTS HOTEL... drank the bar clean, and pretty much got me in serious trouble till the day i die.... lmao... i spent the whole time hid locked in my bedroom hopeing they would all go away !!!! lol... bad hell bad hell.. but that said.. id love to go!! so see ya all there!!!!! heheheheh
hugs an kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'd love to be there and if there is any of me left after corrie's ramble I'd love to go.
hi can i come to your party please thankyou
mmmmmmm jus realised thats tomoro night, i better go find something to wear lol
see daredevil for addy details and im sure its still the more the merrier..u'll find dares in the mids room by the way
i'd love to go if they is an invite and some help with transport. oh, and perhaps a sofa to pass out on.
yey, im coming!
Not telling you if i mean literally or not!
Anyways will see you tomorrow in my new boots that i brought today!
chaos x
Hey all will be coming, but cant stay too late as working the next day so soft drinks for us lol, O also no getting too close to S if youve had nuts she's allergic to them dont want a dead person on our hands or dares floor lol
Thanks for having us there, had a great time as always with great company. Always love being invited and look forward to the next one if we're on the list lol.
Thanks again Von n Tone your both great hosts xxxx luvs ya both loads
Annie n Si xxxx
thanks so much for having us, we both had a great night xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks a lot guys ... we had a lovely time :-)
Was nice to see some new faces and old ... isn`t Dean looking old !
Suede and Shelly xxxxxx
had a wicked time thankyou so much for the invite, was brilliant to finally meet so many of the mids crowd, cant wait till the next one!!!!!!...i promise i wont cry next time!!! lmao.. love you both.......
furby xxxxxxx
thanks....great to see everyone....cep't suede that is... just you rememeber revenge is sweet.!!!