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Party Weekend-thnx to all xx

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OK peeps,
As promised we are organising another party weekend in Bournemouth.
It is going to be on the bank holiday weekend so people are welcome from the Friday night until the Monday and make it a break.
It is going to be held at our house
Since this is a long way for people to travel we are opening our doors on Friday 25th August, the main party being on the 26th August until 28th August if people want to.
We have 3 double bedrooms and people are welcome to stay over if they want to.
There are some ground rules to remember:
a) There is NO smoking in the house, you are welcome to smoke in the garden.
b) There is no playing downstairs at all. This is so as not to make people, especially newbies, feel uncomfortable and pressurised.
c) No means no and there are no exceptions.
As you can see not many rules and people who have been to my parties before will know anyone will feel comfortable whether a hardened swinger or a newbie. Anyone who causes a nuisance will be asked to leave, and we have done this in the past.
Ok who's invited:
We welcome people we know, have met before as well as newbies. All are made welcome.
Obviously we will be limiting the numbers of people and will limit the number of single males if there are too many reply.
Please post your replies in here and like other parties pm's will be sent out just before the event.
Hugs n kisses
Funin and Mike
Awwwwww :cry:
I cannot make it hun kiss
but will be there in spirit (no not Vodka).
Need to plan my holidays better xx
Phredd :love:
I would like to come to your party. Might be able to bring a female aswell!
Hi there guys
I am as you put it newbie, but would like to come to your party. confused:
i'm an
can i come along...promise not to tire myself for weeks beforehand.....
sean xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi ya funin and mike would be great to receive another invite to your latest party..hope to hear from u have fun cheers mike
woohoo another funin n Mike party lol
Please can you put my name down and can i stay? can 1?
wont take up much room just stick me under or on top of some hunky fella :twisted:
fabio will bring extra thongs just for you baby wink
BUGGA ex having littleun for 2 weeks so we have planned hols then ....typical
Hope the weekend is a gr8 sucess
love BB n Dave xxxxxx
Hiyas all,
It good to see some of our good friends putting names down.
We know of some others that are hopefully coming.
Lets make it a fab one as ever.
Hugs and all
Funin and Mike
Hi there funin & mike
Can you put me down please
:shock: Ooh! Missed the original post as we've been away for a few days . . . . .
Can we stick our names down as provisionals please sexy? No not you Mike rolleyes :lol2:
I am going into hosp later this month for another op on my spine, but hopefully I will be back on my feet by then, although I doubt I'll be wearing six inch heels this time confused lol
Ta ever so ;-) kiss
T-J xxx
Hiyas Funin and Mike - can you put me down for it please - would be great to see you both.
TJ - hope the op goes well - but somehow I can never picture you on your feet smile :)
Southlad99 xxx
Dear Funin and Mike,
You don't know me but what a great idea!
Tell me where to send my references as I'd very much like an invitation to your party.
I was wondering what to do over the holiday as my partner is away on a business course, so I'd arrive as a randy single.
Hope to be seeing and maybe 69position ing you. lol
Quote by southlad99
TJ somehow I can never picture you on your feet smile :)
Southlad99 xxx

:shock: :shock: Ooh you little liar! I was standing last time we met . . . . . remember? - up against a tree :twisted: :lol2:
And my heels were stuck in the soil rolleyes wink
T-J xxx
Cool Redhot hun and Southlad.
TJ I've seen piiccies of you on ur back remember.
You will have to come hun just to put Mike out of his missery.
Also you must come and try out my new toy!
I thought you were in Hospital now actually cos spoke with your brother and going to see your brother this aftewrnoon lol.
I have my assessment on the 17th to see whn I go in for spinal rehab. sad
I will keep shhhhh as usual hun, don't want to ruin your "pure" rep with him.
Any newbies that put their name down, what we do with single guys is see how many are wanting to come and then take it from there.
At all our parties there is always a few newbies both male, female and couples.
And even better they all usually want to come back lol
we are slacking.... smile
i have just retrieved this from page 5!!!!!
sean xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi names damien 25 im probably referred to as a noob for this,but have had good promising chats with vodkatonic and i know red hot was advised by vodkatonic that this the place to be,would appreciate an invite hope hear from you both soon xXx
Mods Edit - your avatar has been removed, no cock shots please
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Ill do my very best to be there Funin & Mike, be great to see you again xx
x biggrin
oooo is that an offer southlad hun
smile xx
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hiya Guys,
Well, I was wondering, would it be possible to come along to this?
It would be really nice to catch up and have a natter with old friends again and meet new ones.
I do hope your kitchen is a good size - its normally where I would end up! biggrin
hi there , we would love to come to the party. would be fri eve for us though as looks like we will be racing over the weekend ( damn).... let us know more details nearer the time xxxxxxxxxx
Went to hospital this week for my pre assessment and was given the date for my admission............................................
31st July ............................................. omg nooooooooo.
Although I would be out by the time of the party I don't know how well I would be............
Panic stricken I couldn't justify putting this off for a party so..............................
I go into work and tell work the situation ..................................
Panic set over work as have several new managers starting that I would need in place if I was to have time off..........................................
Thankfully work have asked me to delay .... so I have my excuse.............
My new date is 18th September.
So August bank holiday here we come..................
PS it might mean the peeps that know me helping out but I know you all do anyway.
Thanks for all the replies so far.
Just remember the parties are for newbies as well as experienced swingers.
Hugs and all for now
Quote by funin_and_mike
Thankfully work have asked me to delay .... so I have my excuse.............

:eeek: You cancelled?! Didn't Mike tell you I was going to have the next bed to yours? . . . . . Or maybe that's WHY you cancelled really? :uhoh: :lol2:
I'm not cancelling mine, so may not be at my best by late August, but I'll be there one way or the other :happy:
T-J xxxxx
Hi I was chatting to vodkatonic and she said to put my name down for the party at your place in august. so that's what I have done
Hi There..
I am a newbe single male and would love to come to your party...I live in Christchurch so that is fine.
Please let me know the details.
Is no one going to offer to "bump" me then.
And there was me hopiung......
Will just have to "bump" myself for a change.