Hi everyone!
I suppose this thread is to try and find out how many active members are in the peterborough/cambridge area and perhaps set up meets.
Feel free to post or just say hello!
Quote by HarryJones
Good idea Nixnax
I'm in East Cambridgeshire, when I'm not in Scotland or wherever I happen to be off tarting on that particular Saturday![]()
Sunseeker couple - you sure your ages are right in profile, I dont make it a 25 year difference and it's not that long since I was at school doing maths :lol2:
Harry Jones
Quote by Nixnax
Hi everyone!
I suppose this thread is to try and find out how many active members are in the peterborough/cambridge area and perhaps set up meets.
Feel free to post or just say hello!
Quote by master55
We are both fairly local.![]()
Trust Harry to spot the deliberate mistake :!:
Quote by Sunseekercouple
Hi Harry (as in Jones)
You must be related to my er in doors, or out doors,she is a bridgend jones originally, LOL
Sorry about the age. we are absolute numpties on the comuter so if you want to drop round and how me how to correct the age it would be great. How do I change it?
Sonya and Bru
(XX form Sonya to you Harry)
Quote by Sunseekercouple
Done it Harry so you will not have to bother to come all this way. Ahhhhh. It is on another well known sit ethat I cant seem to change it and that has me as 70 plus. LOL.
You are welcome to drop in anytime realy.
Bi 4 now
Son & Bru XX
Quote by paperclit
Hi everyone....we are in the area....sometimes active lol depends on day and time of year??
Were you thinking of arranging something,
Hoping for sunshine.
P and H xx
Quote by Garfield1
Hello i'm from peterborough![]()
hi harry
Quote by Rodrabbitt
i float nearby. be glad to meet local peeps. but as many others on here will tell im so very shy n reservered.
Quote by CherryBlossom
Hey Nixnax, :swingingchair:
We have always found the East Anglia scene rather quiet! Or are we simply not moving in the right circles?!
The Cherries (Cambridge Contingent)
Quote by juscruzin
We live a bit further down the A14 but have just discovered Xscape near cambridge and fully intend to become semi-regulars there (its about 45 mins fron gypsy's, twice that from mine). We should be there again on the 2nd of August so if you're about come and say 'Hi'.
Jus and Gyps
PS. Hi Harry and Rod xxx from Gyps
Quote by CherryBlossom
Hey Nixnax, :swingingchair:
We have always found the East Anglia scene rather quiet! Or are we simply not moving in the right circles?!
The Cherries (Cambridge Contingent)
Quote by FurbyHug
im from here... lol.. but i usually go to chams in mids... x
Quote by singledogger
im from the area and i am active when the situation arrives (not often does it lol)but i am a genuine guy, and its great to see we have afew people in the area still.