Okay - nothing to say just at the moment - but thought I would get James' topic back up the list as he is such a lovely gentleman - some of the 'older ones' with no manners would do well to learn from him!
Alex x x
Looking at that avatar, I have plenty to say!
That's never enough time to leave the flat, walk up to Preston train station and get on a First North Western to Wallgate! Not to mention the trouble of not actually knowing where you live...
A floating snowball wearing a christmas cracker party hat...
I'm sorry Alex, you're going to have to explain the significance of that one to me!
I was handing you a rose - well 3 roses actually!
I thought that was the gentleman's duty?
I thought I'd get it in first!
Oh - is that the gentleman's prerogative too?
If I was feeling cynical I'd say that the sweet and beautiful Alex was looking at bumping my thread up a bit further...
Thanks sweetheart!
James x
Fair play to you Mal. It's true what they say, after all:
"Blondes prefer gentlemen"
Something like that, anyway.
Well done mate!
<----books hairdressers - need highlights re-done!
I'm flattered with all this attention!
Well I've told you why I talk to you Alex. And I mean it all. Every word.
But of course, if you want to be my Anne Bancroft, you're more than welcome...
I hope it makes people look at under-30s differently.
Either a sports car or develop the ravishing good looks of Dustin Hoffman. Bit of a bind seeing as I'm unable to drive and I can't afford plastic surgery.
I've been going for plan B since I registered. I'm being myself.
<---has a pool - but only in the summer months - too cold in winter!
hey James - you'd win over Dustin anyday!