Had a bit of trouble logging on to the site today. Back now, though.
I just want to thank all of you for your kind words (and in some cases, actions). I've been made to feel remarkably welcome here, given my circumstances, and I'm unbelievably happy that I stumbled on the site.
Thank you ALL soo much!
Mr Writer
I have been hearing about your talents in the kissing department from our mutual friend Alexandra. You come highly recommended. As she is indisposed currently, may I offer my services as a substitute?
Mrs Peel
With pleasure, but don't go making her jealous now!
So Mr Writer
I am pleased to make your aquaintance.......
As I am to make yours, Ms Peel.
It is surely only a matter of time before we get to meet in a trendy Preston bar and sip pink gins. Or a bottle of Becks.
How did your fitting for the new catsuit go, by the way?
A trendy bar......
now would this outfit be appropriate?
Mrs Peel x
Who could resist your fine frame being poured into an outfit like that?
I agree 100% with Mr Writer, yummy............................
Don Vito
At the risk of finding a horse's head in my bed, I'll fight yer for her.
Mr Writer
Pistols at dawn? lol
Don Vito
Ahhhhh Mr Writer - you know full well there can be no contest!
Mrs Peel x x x
Mrs Peel
The MG is purring outside Claridges Hotel. My informants tell me you're sipping a pink gin in the bar. I am waiting for you.
Mr W x
On my way to you straight away
Mrs Peel
(feeling seductive.....)
Mrs P
I would be grateful if you would hurry up with that pink gin. I am double parked and there are only so many smouldering smiles I can give to the traffic warden who is cautiously eyeing my car.
Also, if you are any longer, we are in danger of missing check-in at the airport.
Mr W x
I keep thinking of witty ripostes but I can't help coming across like Terry-Thomas.
Which do you prefer? The casually understated suit with open necked shirt (two buttons undone, naturellement) and the film noir cream trenchcoat look or the wartime spiv look?
Smart but casual every time!