Hi everyone, I'm a student at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston though I'm originally from Manchester, a city I try and get back to every so often.
I'm 23 years old and looking for fun with women older than me. I have a real Mrs Robinson complex, but then again I think that most lads my age do. I'd love to hear from any ladies out there who think that we'd get along well. Send me a PM on here and we'll see how it goes!
Thanks for listening.
Of course you may say so, Sappho!
What harm has a compliment ever done?
Mmm, nice ad too James.
Sappho xxx
Thinks, this boy will go far...
Heh, thanks Sappho. No replies as yet, but here's hoping.
James xxx
Thinks, I hope Sappho's right...
Not sure about the top class education blue - we finished something like 85th in The Sunday Times University List, though my department was rated excellent - but thank you for your good wishes.
Oh trust me, at UCLAN you get a first class education - though it's nothing to do with the subject material :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
You'll have to enlighten me then, blue.
Ah, what I don't know about the goings on at UCLAN, just isn't worth knowing :twisted:
Hi Young Sir
I would love to help you out with yours education, as i did in 30 years at Reading University.
None of the young guys at Reading University who had their first sexuale exprence with me as a mature female, ever found out what i had in my nickers.
Yet some came back for more.
So much attention! Quite a first for me.
Thanks Will!
Loved that play of yours, A Midsummer Nights Dream, by the way.
Yes - I agree with the others on here Mr W - you have shown a maturity beyond your years in your posting.
Keep this up you'll do OK in here!!
Alex x x x x
Yeah, but it's not really "interest" - well, not in the "let's shag, darlin'" sense, this was more a case of just another thread-kidnap!
While you're at it is there any chance you can get Bury out of Division Three?
Will said he could grant wishes...
not perform miracles!!!!!!
Alex x x
Ahem. In my short time here, Alex, I've developed a respect for you. Don't make me lose it.*
*All of this despite the fact you are clearly telling the truth. We're bloody awful this season.
After experiencing Squires on a Monday night, there's no way I'm ever going there again, thank you very much!