It appears that there are 2 possible places to visit that evening – Isis in Leeds and Club F – which seems a long way off but appears to offer more facilities. (Youtopia doesn’t appear to do Wednesdays :sad: and I assume sexy swingers has disappeared ? ) Just wondering if any of you great members have any recommended preference.
Being a member of Chameleons has instilled some expectations but I have visited about 15 other clubs around so I understand the variation. – I would however want to avoid too much disappointment !
So anyone offer any advice it would be gratefully appreciated. Obviously if there are any ladies or couples who want to visit one of the clubs form the York area and need a lift then I would be happy to offer the Taxi service. Or if anyone had any better ideas then I am all ears. (and no that’s not a reference to my looks-there worse than just that !)
Thanks in advance