Now this is a first post here so be gentle lol.
I have been a lurker for a while and enjoy the site and the posts therein. I have responded to some ads (i have one of my own up too) but you never get a response - even if it is to say sorry not interested. I understand that there will be some ads with possibly hundreds of replies but if it was my ad i would definitly try and respond in some way even if it just to say not this time.
I also notice that some of the ads ask that you respond with pics but the advertisers themselves dont have a pic on their ad. This to me is a bit strange as I would assume that a lot of people may be wary about their pic on site and it would be better to have contact first - only an opinion mind.
On a last note on the categories pages ads seem to disappear off the front page is their any particular reasons for this- just curious
What do other users think?