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revisited sat dec 9th CONFIRMATIONS NEEDED

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seeing as the last event we organised was such a sucess,,we have decided to run another on SAT DEC 9
due to being let down by so many single guys ,,this one will be single guys by invitation only,,
the guys that did show will be offered a place in the first instance,,
it is also jo,s birthday on the 7th dec so we will be running her birthday bash in conjunction with this event
if u are a cpl and are genuinely interested in attending please add your name to this forum
normal townhouse rules will apply,,
we are hoping to run this as a sexy santa and santa ess theme ..girls get the santa outfits out lol
ps,, we have no connection with the townhouse other than its the club we frequent
alanrachel xxxx

cpls definate
evebifem(plus her wetsuit and brolly)(with scousekev)
johnjo(plus the ice)(conf)
a manc cpl(conf)
jamesand cath (conf)
tameside cpl
happy happy(conf)
s-anafun (conf)
single guys with invites
carloss gill(confirmed
adam reidless(confirmed)
nw byron(confirmed)
scouse kev
Can u add our names please
consider us in ysf xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, but only if alan does a pole dance again lol
Erm, can I have a think about this, and if the courage is still plentyful in December, can we also come along?
I know I am probably going to regret this, so can I say 'provisionally' at the moment please redface
Can we put are names down again please biggrin
hello sexys can we come this time please please please xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
yeah put us down pls rach hopefully he wont be working this time
could i be entered as possible please , depending on commitments i wont know til a week before the date ??
Quote by carpetfitter
could i be entered as possible please , depending on commitments i wont know til a week before the date ??

sorry carpet
due to the amount of singles that let us down last time were doing this one as a cpls only
alanrach xxx
and if the last one,s anything to go by, it,ll be a cracker.
a bit too cold for the ice though jo. lol cool wink
hi, can we cum plz.... vic n kaz xx
Quote by vicnkaz
hi, can we cum plz.... vic n kaz xx

added ya vicnkaz
hi there
we could be up for this would like to be kept in touch
Love to all
Linn & Andrew
Hi you two, can single ladies come? please wink :wink: :wink:
See you both soon.
Eve xxx
Hi Guys
Please put us down as possibles - we've got a works Christmas party to get out of!
cheers !!
A & L xxxx
Quote by eve_bi_fem
Hi you two, can single ladies come? please wink :wink: :wink:
See you both soon.
Eve xxx

hiya hun
you didnt really ask that hun did ya lol
you know we would have ya for christmas dinner if we could
would have been gutted if you werent comin lol
al rach xx
bump !!!!!!!!
biggrin Being polite, you know me, always say 'please & thank you'
Met a lovely new guy from here on Friday, you'd enjoy wink first timer, at first, but WOW :!: :!: :!: don't know who had the bigger smile at the end of the night :D He put a good review about the club on here, definitely worth an invite if you've got a free space, if not, I'll bring him with me :wink:
See you both soon.
Hugs & Kisses
Eve xxx
Quote by alanrachel2000
Hi you two, can single ladies come? please :wink: :wink: :wink:
See you both soon.
Eve xxx

hiya hun
you didnt really ask that hun did ya lol
you know we would have ya for christmas dinner if we could
would have been gutted if you werent comin lol
al rach xx
Quote by eve_bi_fem
biggrin Being polite, you know me, always say 'please & thank you'
Met a lovely new guy from here on Friday, you'd enjoy wink first timer, at first, but WOW :!: :!: :!: don't know who had the bigger smile at the end of the night :D He put a good review about the club on here, definitely worth an invite if you've got a free space, if not, I'll bring him with me :wink:
See you both soon.
Hugs & Kisses
Eve xxx
bring him with ya babe but only if ya share him lol
rach xx
Hi you two, can single ladies come? please :wink: :wink: :wink:
See you both soon.
Eve xxx

hiya hun
you didnt really ask that hun did ya lol
you know we would have ya for christmas dinner if we could
would have been gutted if you werent comin lol
al rach xx
can you put me down as a poss me gingerjo as lee is working
just need to try and arange myself a lift smile
thanks jo xx
hiya sexy,
new couple just joines sw heaven - bikerchick- put them down as definates alan rachel please, will be coming with us
k4t xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by gingerjo-lee
can you put me down as a poss me gingerjo as lee is working
just need to try and arange myself a lift smile
thanks jo xx

hi ginger jo
will add ya as a possible
we have a single guy coming from manchester area... very safe and trustworthy,,,
if we have a word and put him in touch with ya would that help??
wouldnt send ya with anyone we didnt completly trust hun
rach xxx
hiya rach
ive sent you a pm
look forward to hearing from you
jo xxxx
Rach, you know me, always willing to share biggrin
Would even let you play with him first wink
Introducing him to Jacqui tonight at club, meeting a few new ones from this site, will give you an update when next talk/see you.
Keep doing what it says on the tin :!:
Big hugs
Eve xxx
well we was at the last and hope to be at the next so put us down if you will biggrin
Hi you two, had text from 'nwjon', he's absolutely delighted with the invite, he's one of the 'good guys' if he says he can come, he'll come, not like some who say they'll CUM and don't even ARRIVE
Had a good night Wednesday biggrin
Going next Saturday, you two coming? wink
Hugs & Kisses
Eve xxx
Quote by eve_bi_fem
Hi you two, had text from 'nwjon', he's absolutely delighted with the invite, he's one of the 'good guys' if he says he can come, he'll come, not like some who say they'll CUM and don't even ARRIVE
Had a good night Wednesday biggrin
Going next Saturday, you two coming? wink
Hugs & Kisses
Eve xxx

hiya babe
glad to offer the genuine ones a place hun
yes we are there saturday
rach xxxx
hi scousekev ere if its ok with u guys ill be definatley up for that