Hope you have a great time. I went a couple of years ago. It was a baking hot day - too hot relaly, but the clear blue skies made for a fantastic videos and photos.
Wish it was next weeekend as tied up this weekend
Went on Sat, what a day weather good displays great Vulcan flew, and Raptor did a fantastic demo.
I posted in June but only had one reply from a pilot!! So I enjoyed the planes but the wife did not get any offers, even though she virtualy had her boobs out while in the traffic quue, the only guy who looked interested was a "bobby" directing traffic!
Ahh well maybe next year!
Blimey Boofy, if only I had known, I definately wouldve have gone.
I was in 2 minds, but when I heard there was a 7 mile traffic queue I was glad I hadnt !
The only ime I went before I got there lunchtime and probably missed the queues. Wish it was this weekend as Im free.
What a waste your lady being all horny like that. Maybe meet up at another Midlands airshow sometime ?
We went to Fairford a couple of years ago, I watched the planes but wifey found a couple of Russian pilots and they showed her around their plane!! It took three hours and she said it was very interesting, they showed her how the russians worked!!