These are private and confidential, please don't discuss them with anyone who is not on the list.
A list is available via PM from me for those coming along.
Anyone who is not on my lists will not be part of our social event.
I will remind you all very publicly to please keep all the details of this to yourselves because it is a public forum and a public venue which means anyone could be attending. This is for your own safety, annonymity and security as well as that of others on the list.
I'll be PMing a Rocky Horror Virgin's guide link for you to read through as well as details for meeting up for a drink before hand and the option to go out for a drink and boogie afterwards too.
Please make all other arrangements separate to this thread but not mentioning the hotels you're staying in nor the actual date of this event.
It is first come, first served based on payment for the tickets with the cut off date being the 31st March. After this date, if the payment has not been made the place will be lost and places will be offered to those on the reserve list. Please PM me if there is anything you need to ask.
Hi folks,
The Rocky Horror Show is coming back on tour in 2007 and with the popularity of last year's outing to the theatre I wondered if people would be interested in going again?
The dates for the Manchester shows are Monday 11th - Saturday 16th June and I'd be aiming to book either Friday 15th or Saturday 16th of June depending on opinions of people wanting to come along.
*edit* the date is booked and available to those wanting to go via PM :)
If you fancy it please send me a PM or reply with any questions on the thread. The intent is to make a group booking, meet up for a drink then go into the theatre together maybe with drinks afterwards if people wanted to.
We had such a great time last time, I hope people will want to go again! :D
Gem. x
Please Note this is a social gathering. This is a non play, no profit event.
Due to the event being held in a public theatre, there will be general members of the public there and so non-members and banned members might be present. I have no control over this and so it's up to you if you want to come along. There may be non-members or banned members on the list, PM for details. To be included on the list via Swinging Heaven you must be a current member and able to send 'PM' messages. Thanks. x
In Summary:
Show: Rocky Horror Theatre Show
Date & time: 11th to 16th June -PM for actual booked date & time
Price: £25 per ticket (in negotiation with theatre ~ may be cheaper!)
Payment: Due NOW, to reach me by end of March - PM sent
Seats:Really good clear view, sat together