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sat september 15th

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very wel said allure xxxx
hya its funlovinggirl here maxine sorry i cant make the do sat i wish i could but hope it goes well and u all enjoy urselves too and tell carpet b good when out country not to give us bad name lol lol cool
Quote by xxcouple1929
lol well at least the lucky ones will be turning up :lol: harry may be early start for you but well worth oxford rolleyes newlad maybe :!:

Ive checked my train times again, especially as there are hideous engineering works on and the train I was going to catch is a stansted airport one and they are notorious for being cancelled so my new plan is to catch the 0929 which taking into account how heavy and full my bag is, I will have to leave here by 0900 in order to arrive by 1437! Sunday will be worse its buses replacing trains all day :cry: I'd do it doubly so though to be there biggrin
Quote by carpetfitter
nope not long at all but i have a problem im trying 2 get me funds sorted jus spent me dosh from a week end in bognor i cud always get a credit card lol xxx and yes im still going

A credit card - I've got Three ffs with a total credit allowance of £19,000 - always pay them all off each month though cool
Serious engineering works this weekend this way so might have to leave even earlier mad
Harry Joneslend us a tenner harry lad lol
:lol: :lol:
Quote by Newlad4u
i will be there xxx

Make your mind up :lol: I was sat on train this morning staring at a map of the south east network working out the cheapest way of getting there for you :!:
Quote by allure35
Really doesnt matter on the venue , Its the company that counts :P
But I think Sheer did very well getting another venue in such short time .
So well done for that :D
SO heres to the weekend :kiss
Allure :love:

Hear Hear 8-) Is it feet time yet confused:
Quote by Funlovinggirl
hya its funlovinggirl here maxine sorry i cant make the do sat i wish i could

I wish you could have done too. We will meet one day :D
Harry Jones
lol harry, well guys can't wait till saturday give the carpet the send off he deserves if ya know what i mean, can't wait to see ya all again, been ill again but i'm ok now so PARTY ON!!!!!!! lol
love ya all.
glad ur better mel and i look 4ward 2 seeig u2 xxxxx
11 minutes seconds of bloody hard work and voila
its up cool

I am of course now sweating like a pig and very hot lol
Its still flexible when up so I can ram it through a doorway to empty it :lol2:
So who wants to use it on Saturday with me 8-)
That is if I can get it folded up and back in its box
Harry Jones sad
lol well folks only one more sleep then party whooooooooooooooooooo redface
Just spoken to Carpetfitter in chatroom ................gutted i missed this on the forum sad
Just like to wish him all the best and everyone who is going have a great time.
:happy: :beer: :beer: :beer: :happy:
ps harry love the pool wink
oh i know lol hiya loz hun long time no see hope ur well x
Quote by -loz-
Just spoken to Carpetfitter in chatroom ................gutted i missed this on the forum sad
Just like to wish him all the best and everyone who is going have a great time.
:happy: :beer: :beer: :beer: :happy:
ps harry love the pool wink

How have you missed it with Newlad and I constantly bumping it lol
Glad you love the pool. I've nearly managed to ram it into the box too.
Harry Jones
Ohhhh I gotta leave in 7 hours time sad
Harry Jones
well what can i say except can't wat to see ya all, not long now people, feels like ages since we saw you all and to be honest can't wait to catch up with all you fantastic people, have missed ya millions.
few more hours peeps then party time WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!
It's taking me hours to get ready with this hangover.
Arghhhh I can't miss my bus lol
Later all.
Harry Jones
sppose i shud be gettin on to really x
now that was a bash and a half x
I've just got home. Ive spent ten hours travelling this weekend, most of it cross legged on coaches but would so do it all again for all of you wonderful people.
Huge thanks to: Gloss for organising this weekend and making sure I had some of my lovely real ale to drink
To Del for lending me his jacket when I was getting cold and for giving me a lift home - it was a real giggle coming home and the miles soon disappeared - cheers mate.
To Allure for my present - if I ever get organised enough (I'm always dashing out of the door at last minute forgetting everything) it will accompany me to every social and party I goto so I never have to sleep alone again smile Ohh and I meant what I said in that text message I showed you kiss
To Mandy for her very kind hospitality both last night and today - made it a really great full weekend
To everyone else who gave me a lift to places, you all know who you are
To everyone who went shopping with me in Asda (thats most of the ladies lol )
It was very nice to meet some of you for the first time and I was very glad to see those who were at their first social clearly enjoying themselves and wanting to come back again.
To the main man of course - glad I could be with you mate.
If there is anyone else not covered by the above, then good to see you again and hope to see you again soon biggrin
Harry Jones
redface OH harry your such a sweety x
Was wonderful to see u again . . .
Tc and until next time smile
:color: Allure xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well yet another fab BBW get together , or farewell to a very special man redface
Thanks to sheer for making this happen , mandy and keith for their hospitality . and Miss lovejoy for the raffle and and other bits she sorted :happy:
Who said the internet was dodgy ! :uhoh:
Well I have met some amazing people off this site from the BBW room .
Many that will stay in my life forever Im sure wink
I thought the new venue was cool and had a great outdoor area surprisedops: ( for smoking of course )
So glad the fitter had the farewell party he so deserved :beer:
BTW Fitter : everybody needs a cosy , squeedgy ball bag for a pillow :smoke:
And Im gona miss ya Oor Willie ! :inlove:
hiya and thank u all for attending
well done to sheer for another grt night thanks to all that made us welcome yet agin grt to meet you all again heres to the next time take care all xxx going miss you carpet lol thanks sheer xx
new pics have been posted
Quote by xxcouple1929
well done to sheer for another grt night thanks to all that made us welcome yet agin grt to meet you all again heres to the next time take care all xxx going miss you carpet lol thanks sheer xx

I did wave goodbye to you out of my window (I was still half asleep at that unearthly hour) but you missed it
Harry Jones
Desi and I have just sobered up enough to post a message of thanks to everyone involved. But particularly Sheer and Mandy for organising it, (Mandy, especially, for her wonderful hospitality) and Carpet for being the main man.
Looking forward to the next one although my liver is shuddering at the thought. lol
Quote by Newlad4u
i was sober lol
if you were sober then i was too,,,,,,,,,,,,,oh i was..........after diving in a freezing cold hot tub redface
now that was funny
thank you sheer (jen) mlj for a loverly night and all of who came to my home after and on the sunday it was a pleasure to serve. see you all at the next one
once again thank u jen + mandy aonther great event