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sat september 15th

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hi can you put me n sixpack down please, would love to help with carpets goodbye hes a top bloke, look forward to seeing you all again xxxxxxx
Quote by varca
mmmmmmm varca in ox !!! now theres a treat hehe :twisted:

So just how would you like your "bon voyage" treat? :grin:could share wink
:cry: you never noticed my message, carpet,ahhh well susie goes off into a corner to cry her eyes out :cry:
ofcourse i did susie hun , not all of you ive noticed of you either lol wink
you can notice me anytime babe, all of me that is, i need to give you a send off BJ. biggrin
Quote by varca
mmmmmmm varca in ox !!! now theres a treat hehe :twisted:

So just how would you like your "bon voyage" treat? :grin:could share wink
A drink? A cab? A box of choccies? Ohhh you mean share a bed lol :rascal:you learn fast lol
Quote by varca
mmmmmmm varca in ox !!! now theres a treat hehe :twisted:

So just how would you like your "bon voyage" treat? :grin:could share wink
A drink? A cab? A box of choccies? Ohhh you mean share a bed lol :rascal:you learn fast lol
Well as long as you don't snore :lol2:snore ? why whos sleeping ?? lol
please put me and del down...should be okay as i don't think he got a gig that night...and let us know about hotels etc when time
hope we can make it as i would love to meet carpet...and be part of the welcoming party when he gets back home
"Spam?Spam?We don't do spam."
oohhh carpet do tel lol this woman lol
right newlad you really are asking for a smackbottom mind you that carpet aint far behind you for a :kick: lol
Please put us down - must make it a hat-trick of meets.
Fun and Sparkle
ohh a slap lol what have i done now lol
oh carpet do tel lol
you are turning into a right spammer new...and if sheer don't spank ya bum then i bloody well will...mind you carpet ain't doing too bad with the spamming himself.....mass spankings cum september methinks
:twisted: cool lol
"Spam?Spam?We don't do spam."
ok ok but no bum biting lol x
it was barely a nibble last time....this time will sharpen me teeth before i get i can't promise no biting...but if i do i may just kiss it better after
:twisted: :P confused
newlad youre in trouble now ask jigsawman about debbs bum biting, he had the scar for weeks. :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:
mm kissing now thats more like it
Hi Jenny,
Put me down babes...
Kellyanne x
Who the fecks carpet fitter ????????? :confused2:
Of course I will be cumming !!!!
Id be RAVEN MAD not too . . .
That man owes me a new pair of stockings innit !!!!!
:violin: Best come and give the old boy a goodbye snog eh . . . ! passionkiss
But he has to kiss me :moon: first MWAH x
Looking forward to seeing u all again .
:crazy: Allure xxxxxxxxxxxx
do i get a kiss allure hun x
you slept with allure last time dont be so fekkin greedy newlad smackbottom :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:
can you put me and toddie on the list plzs
me greeedy never hun lol be nice 2 see u again misslj
Please add me and my friend.. thanks xx biggrin
PrettyLip :D
hi jenny babe i'll be therexxxxxxxxx
Quote by sheer_gloss
a good mate of ours (carpetfitter) is leaving us for a while. so we have organised a bit of a do in oxford. please add your names to the list if youd like to come and give him the send off he deserves.
obviously places will be given to regular bbw room users first. once we have a list i will let you know the cost to cover the hall and disco.
redface so you want me to come with you than babe wink
well if you want to come with me and share my room please do lee, its not like we are strangers babe. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi sheer count me in please
anyway im sure we can think of something to do blast hump 69position but no much :sleeping:
Quote by sheer_gloss
anyway im sure we can think of something to do blast hump 69position but no much :sleeping:
lol like suck me off while your on the loo again :P