would of offered u my guy but hes on nights i bet he will be gutted to
have fun
Quote by da69ve
Is this event free of charge?
Quote by fabio grooverider
Is this event free of charge?
Quote by ajg
Update-these people were not charging(they have now been banned)Yes they were timewasters to two guys who showed up.I along with four other guys turned up-two of the guys were known to these two married one other guy along with myself were unknown to these spending one and a half hours chatting we all proceeded to the couples a few hours more myself and the other guy-both new to these people were informed"it wasn`t going to happen".Now i don`t have a problem if they were uneasy/ i do have a problem with is wasting an entire evening while they make up their surely then meet in a pub and then take us all back to their house?Strange one hindsight all this turned out to be was pre-arranged meet with two guys they knew and already met and already arranged to meet through text messages and not through this advert.I feel even more sorry for the poor sod who had a round trip of 100 miles for a totally wasted time!:x :x
Quote by ajg
.In response to quick shag brigade-i have met people and gone as i always do with no if the roles were reversed personally i would have not invited anyone back to mine if i had any doubts.I would have pointed out "it was not going to happen"in the pub-that way everyone is clear and not under the impression they were going back for the intended event.
As well i would like to point out there were photos,text messages and phone calls exchanged etc beforehand -so it was not a case of quick shag tonight.
As for being invited back again-two guys who they knew were invited back this time-they were obviously compatible last time as that was the first they met and they enjoyed the point being i was not complaining because i expected anything on a plate,far from it-i know there is more to this lifestyle than "a quick shag".
Quote by nwgirls4fun
Is this event free of charge?
Quote by ajg
They were banned because they never confirmed to mods it was free of charge.