Come and divein for our FIRST ever social on sat 21st February at Liaisons in Rochdale we would really appreciate your support ..........I know we will have fun and would like it with you lot xx
This is the 1st social that we are attempting Liaisons have kindly offered to host for us and we would love you all to come and join in and have heaps of fun, ideal for meeting up with fellow site members and putting faces to body parts lol . There is also supper what more could you ask for hey
This event is open to all
The night will begin at 8pm and will finish at 3am
The club has numerous facilities including Jacuzzi, sauna, all the play rooms, dungeon shower facilites, bar, dance floor complete with a pole for the more adventurous..
The entrance prices are ten pounds a couple , twenty pounds single males, and single females are is no membership required for this social event so get your names down rapido, if we dont have your name on the list the membership fee would be required.
If you fancy having a drink please do bring your own the club is not licensed.
We are looking forward to meeting you all be nice to see some old friends and some new ones we wait with baited breath
bobnwendi xx