Gee whizz guys, give the bloke a break, I had a grin when I first read what he there any chance that we are just a tad too sensitive and precious?
Get over yourselves guys, sorry but really, did I need a moderator to make a comment, I was supposedly addressing understanding of the moderators was that they were there to ensure that there wasn't abuse or anything dodgy going on, are we not perhaps pushing the boundary of the remit?
I posted my comments as a member, not a Mod. I know this couple personally and know that they are not just after anybody with a pulse. If they post specifics, they want specifics. Why is that a problem for anybody?
If you posted wanting a female and only males replied, wouldn't you get a bit pissed off?
When I'm in Modding mode, don't worry, you'll know.
your last line rather illustrates my point in the post I just made in the Cafe?