The other day i arranged to meet with a couple for some fun i had seen there pictures on the pc and we had also seen each other via web-cam and everything was good they were a very nice couple and i thought we were going to have a lot of fun anyway they invited me to there house one night and i turned up and was let in given a drink and we had a chat during the course of the chat all the (click) that i had previously had with this couple went and there was no way i was going to have sex with them so i waited for the right moment and toold them that they were a very sexy and nice couple but there was no (click) for me and that i was very sorry but was going to leave. now i could see the looks on there face they had wanted me to strip and get down to the job in hand so to speak but i was just about to leave. i felt so bad on the ride home.
Is there anyway to say thanks but no thanks and not feel bad or should i have just had sex with them not to upset there feelings and then forgot about it.
i have meet with a few couples before and always had a good time iv never lost that (click) before.