i know that the top third of the country... (newcastle/carlisle northwards) hasn't really been blessed with clubs/parties and munches.....
after the sucess of the Scottish munch (thank you lucy and ken) i was wondering what the reception would be if we tried to organise something on a regular basis a la the mini munches....
i know that travelling and the cost is becoming an issue for us in the top third... especially with so many events being in the south......
let me know your thoughts and if the reponse is positive then hopefully we can organise more events.....
sean xxxxxxxxxx
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
That sounds a really great idea Sean it would hopefully give people like me the chance to meet up with you people instead of maybe having to wait say maybe a year if the munch is only going to be annually.
Well you know our thoughts on it :thumbup:
And we have sent sent you our thoughts :thumbup:
Carol and fred
Sean a great idea m8 i for one am all for it & am sure a few people from the NE & NW would travel up after the success of th escottish munch.
It was nice to meet you last night even if i didnt get a chance to chat to you for long.
But will see you again with a bit of luck
Cheers m8
Fantastic idea honey, count me in. :happy: :happy: :happy:
Sean, you know we will be there if we can :twisted:
Gill & Del x
a good idea methinks, too
Great idea fabio count me in pls Sat was a brill night
Hi Sean,
Great idea and I would be only too glad to help out.
Well you know where to find me.........................swinging around as usual..lol
As I am sure that there are more of us who would like to get to know each other better without having to travel the length and breadth of the country.
All those in favour ..say aye..AYE!!
Bring on the Branston.....or was it show me the way to Amarillo..who cares!!
i will be up for it' good idea.