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Scotlands very own Munch?

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3 watchers
I feel like north of the border is missing out on all this munching that is going on with our neighbouring swingers down south. So here goes....... :idea:
Would there be much interest from the lovely world of swinging north of the border :taz: for a munch somewhere in the central belt maybe?
Anyone who is interested let us know about it. Any ideas of possible venues(although PM them to us) would also be appreciated. If there is enough interest then I see no reason why we cant organise our own munch.
You've got my attention. As an Edinburgh resident I'd suggest Edinburgh, though no specific ideas as yet for a venue - I guess that'd depend on how much interest.
Hi there, newbies here from dundee, we would be interested but unsure what a munch entails.
Any help?
If you're serious about a Scots munch, make the post sticky so that everyone can see it always!
Would that be a McMunch then ??? lol :lol: :lol:
Good luck guys, hope you pull it off :shock:
McMunch!!!!!! Classic! rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
A Munch is a sort of purely social get-together where swingers in a particular area - and anyone from further afield who cares to come too - just meet for a few drinks, get to put faces to names, that sort of thing. Gives one the opportunity to say stuff like "Ah, so you're Blissed, you're even more handsome in the flesh than in my fantasies," to people you've only met online before but know you've something wonderful in common with.
Quote by bluexxx
If you're serious about a Scots munch, make the post sticky so that everyone can see it always!

Bluexxx us ordinary members can't make things sticky as far as I am aware dunno . Anyhow we just testing the waters at the moment. We would, or rather I would be delighted to arrange such an event for us poor northern neighbours :taz: . I only a lazy mature student at the mo with plenty of time and otherwise on my hands.
hopefully for the next few day this can keep itself top of the charts with overwhelming interest and then if one of you moderators would be so kind you could make the next one sticky and then we get serious about McMunching in Scotland.
Thanks to all of you who have shown an interest so far.
Take care
Your wish is my command (not always you understand!!)
Hi Scotscpl,
This sounds like a brilliant idea!! Let's see if we can keep this post alive long enough for an Administrator to make it sticky.
If a Scottish McMunch was on the cards, I'm sure myself and Mrs Bassdude could be persuaded to come along.
Thanks for flying the blue & white flag Billy.
Just noticed it IS sticky now.... Excellent!!
TOLD YOU - your wish is my command.
Should be my wish is your command but that's just life!!
x xx
As an exiled Weegie I do hope it all works out for you lot.
A Scotland munch! Fab! I'm sure I'll be there.
We're a couple in Dundee, we are quite reserved around the close group of friends we have (apart from at work) but we're keen not to let our sex life get boring.....
We've never really had the opportunity to meet others for 'Munch' or otherwise. So if there can be one sorted, we'd be up for it.
I've posted this message before I've done anything else on the site so I'm off to see what's possible. I just had to reply to the post. Quite a fluke I found this board.
Anyway, I'm off to have a look round, thanx guys. :twisted:
Now...this sounds interesting. We would make a real effort to become involved here. We're in Glasgow 9th or 10 march...and i was wondering rolleyes if u would be planning around then? Will watch this space :P
Quote by blissed
...... just meet for a few drinks, get to put faces to names, that sort of thing. Gives one the opportunity to say stuff like "Ah, so you're Blissed, you're even more handsome in the flesh than in my fantasies," to people you've only met online before but know you've something wonderful in common with.

well Blissed we've only met in the flesh (so to speak !) never on line ... not prone to fantasies LOL dunno but i can dream :grin:
was lovely to meet you lol
Lucy :bounce:
And a singular joy to meet you too Lucy biggrin :D :D
As Enid Blyton would have said, lucyslovely by name, lucyslovely by nature 8)
Hope it won't be long before we meet again :twisted: :twisted: wink
Quote by blissed
Hope it won't be long before we meet again :twisted: :twisted: wink

lol blissed .... hope so :wink:
However, its not going to be at the London Munch thats for sure sad as i cant get the weekend off work evil banghead
Lucy :sad:
Quote by lucyslovely
However, its not going to be at the London Munch thats for sure sad as i cant get the weekend off work evil banghead
Lucy :sad:

NOOOO! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Edinburgh bloke would love to attend a meet & introduction to more like minded people. It's about blooming time too, there aint enough going on for us up in Scotland.
with this on the cards I can smile again biggrin
Is anyone organising this? If not, I would be happy to! smile
(hope I'm not stepping on ScotsCpl's toes!!)
Hi BlueEyes, like the new avatar!
I've not done anything about organising anything myself, although I do have a (possibly bad!) idea for a venue.
Thanks Blissed!
Can you send me the possible venue by PM? lol
Happy to represent the Scots ex-pat contingency!
Sappho xxx
Thanks for the offer of organising this blue eyes. If more folk from the east coast are interested then it would be great if you could. It's probably easier for us to organise if it ends up being in Glasgow. Either way we will be there.
Was thinking we would let this run for a few more days and then start making plans. Let us know what you think.
Hello all,
Thanks for the interest in the McMunch. Could folk confirm they are still interested by PMing us and also whether you would prefer the meet to be in Glasgow or Edinburgh. I was thinking sometime in March would be good, but again let me know what you think.
Given the weight of people seems to be on the east coast then it seems likely this will be in Edinburgh in which case it will be over to you BlueEyes.
I know I am a long way from Scotland but it would be nice to renew some acquaintances (blissed wave) and meet some of those who I have been wanting to meet for a long time (BlueEyes kiss). I owe a visit to a school friend who lives in Linlithgow in any case.
Even better, March is looking scarily free in the diary (PLEASE not the 6th!!!!)
Just remind me what vaccinations I need! lol
The more the merrier!! lol Don't forget your passport, Will!!
If we do end up munching in Edinburgh, it's best to avoid the weekend of 20th March as there would be little chance of people finding hotel accommodation that weekend. How about the weekend of 13th March? Saying that, I'd better go and check when the other munches are, wouldn't want to clash! :P
Hi from Mac - just getting used to these forum type sites.....up for a munch depending if I'm free when its planned - East best but could do west as well.
Quote by macmanecosse
East best but could do west as well.

Are you SURE about that???? I'm a Weegie and could argue that point all night!!
lol :lol: