(Manchester has some of the friendliest clubs around, and as I have to be there for work in July, I'm happy to organise (unless someone else offers) and share both worlds so we can get together and hopefully even meet more of the lovely Northern contingent!)
Here's a proposed weekend, but this is not a final schedule, so do please send me ideas and preferences - not only as we need to know numbers but some options need more work to organise than others.
Have a glance through, and bear in mind you can do all of it or whichever bits and days you fancy or can manage - eg just vanilla social or clubbing or both, and just a day/evening or a whole weekend.
Evenings/late night:
Fri 22nd July: Cupids (couples & singles)
Sat 23rd July: Cupids (couples & singles)
Sun 24th July: Partners (couples only)
*Let me know which evenings you will be up for :D
It's a whole different atmosphere at a couples only night, so it's good to try both worlds if you can. is fabulous for beginners and regulars, and the staff are so friendly and so much fun they more or less guarantee to put everyone totally at ease within 30 seconds! has more facilities and is a bigger club experience, and an ideal choice for Sunday night and a great contrast if you can stay on. Cupids has a pool table should you just want to spend the night socialising or maybe watching, and Partners has a ginormous pool for fun and silliness as well as a more sedate clothed lounge. Both also have loads of action for those that are interested!
Early evenings:
'Munch' style gatherings (we can't call them official munches on SH as it would mean we can't mention clubbing, which is a main reason behind this weekend, but usual munch rules apply and they will be social gatherings in a bar or similar and all regular SH posters are welcome). We can arrange a no obligation guest tour of Cupids on the Friday between 6&7pm, and of Partners (for couples only) on Sunday around 9pm. This gives you the chance to see inside before it's open and decide if you want to take the plunge! :D
*Let me know if you have strong preferences/ideas about whether to meet in central Manchester or near the clubs. :)
Sat and/or Sun:
Some options and ideas so far (mostly stuff I've had a ball doing before and know would be great fun!)
*Alton Towers (will cost about £30 including rides and transit from Manchester)
*Canal trip (lovely relaxing afternoon - only costs about a fiver a head)
*Clay Pigeon Shooting (out in the woods - costs about £65 inc minibus from town centre)
*Treasure Trail (a nice way of getting around town and trying to keep the brain in gear!)
*Gay Village (fab and free!)
*Let me know what you fancy, Sat/Sun prefs - or give me other suggestions (plenty of room for local help here if someone fancies organising any of this!) :D
The money bit
No-one makes any money out of this, but there's set overheads and it would be nice to have as many peeps here as possible, irrespective of how much spare change you have in your pockets!
So here's a rough guide:
Getting to Manchester:(hardly anything!!) :welcome:
Cheapest is by Megabus. For instance, their website offers £4 return (Glasgow) or £5 (Dundee)
Next cheapest is by ordinary bus or . Return train fares start at about £30 from Edinburgh or Glasgow, but these fares go quite fast!
I looked at minibus but it would cost about £20pp + petrol so getting ourselves organised in groups on public transport or getting together for car shares seems a better idea.
Staying in Manchester: (not bad, especially if you book ahead!) :sleeping:
Best value are Lodges - costs about £25 a night per person (or £50 a room). As you pay by the room there's no hassle if you want to invite peeps back for 'coffee' lol! Once we see the amount of interest I'll do a mailing of some accommodation options for participants.
Clubbing in Manchester: (not an expensive night out, at least for couples!)
Cupids: Couples £15 Admission Fri, £20 Sat, free membership;
Single Ladies £5 Admission, free membership;
Single Gentlemen £20 Admission + £50 annual membership.
Partners: Couples £20 Admission, free membership.
Cupids is about 6 miles from the city centre and Partners 10 miles, so there's public transport/taxi to add on, but not a fortune, especially if you share!
So whoooooooooo's interested?
OK, I'm still quite new to SH - more experienced organisers: what have I missed?
Can you assist us highlanders? We promise not to wear our kilts in the sauna, honest! If it's a bad idea we'll jes do it quietly oursel's . . .