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Scottish Mini Munch Edinburgh - ***** Sat 30th April******

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3 watchers
hehehe okie dokie wink
Quote by lucyweebaps
be nice to finally get to meet you blissed biggrin

Yay! :D You, and a whole bunch of other faces new and old, too!
Quote by lucyweebaps
you missed a fab night hon.. but I'm sure this one will be just as fab :P
Lucy xx

So I heard! Sounds like the Karaoke went down well...
Hi Lucy
Could you count me in as a provisional, loved the Glasgow Munch and just know this will be just as good, i may have something else penciled in for that night but if i can cancel it i will
Steve xxxx
look forward to seeing you again Steve biggrin
Lucy & Ken xxx
I'd like to come along as well having enjoyed myself last time - might even help me become a "better ken't face".
do you promise to sing bandmaster ? lol
you did a fine job last Sat :lol:
Lucy xxxx
Thanks, Lucy, and I'll sing a song just for you wink
I'd love to come if it is o.k with the rest of you.
hi lucy,ken
put us down as possibles we might even mingle this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have just found SH and it is Great to see things happening in Scotland.
Keep up the Great work biggrin :D :D :D
Fairly new to the site, last Sat in Edinburgh would be great.
Can I be included?
Hi Lucy,
please count me in this time, am available, and no visitors who kept me back from the last Munch.
Cheers, Marc
I've only just join this forum, but i would love to come along. Maybe this could be an introduction for me. biggrin
I need to see newbies are using the site (ie. chatroom or forum ) before invites are given out,
the munch is for peeps that frequent the site smile
Lucy xxxx
That sounds cool to me, I know that I have only just started using this website, but i hope to use it alot now. Maybe after I have been a member for a while i might be able to come to one. biggrin
Hi lucy
Can we bring a friend biggrin
For anyone who hasnt been to edinburgh , it would be a good idea to come a day earlier,the citys well worth the extra day sight seeing lol, plus ,theres a good night out to look forword too! :P ,looking forword to meeting up with you all
cheers biggrin
Bit of bad news I'm afraid peeps sad
Unfortunately because of personal circumstances I no longer will be able to continue organising the Edinburgh mini Munch.I'm sorry if this cause any inconvenience or disappointment to any of you,
Lucy xxx
Quote by lucyweebaps
Bit of bad news I'm afraid peeps sad
Unfortunately because of personal circumstances I no longer will be able to continue organising the Edinburgh mini Munch.I'm sorry if this has caused any inconvenience or disappointment to any of you,
Lucy xxx

Lucy and Ken,
I'm really sorry to hear that Lucy. I hope whatever it is resolves itself quickly and without too much upset, to either of you.
Lots of love,hugs and kisses :therethere:
What Little said. :therethere: :therethere: :therethere:
whatever it is,we hope it all works out ok :therethere:
As the 'show's more or less on the road' - Lucy and Ken have already sorted a venue - who's going to take over the coordination and responsibility for it? Hungy P? Little? C'mon guys (and girls!) xx
Quote by edinbughchris
As the 'show's more or less on the road' - Lucy and Ken have already sorted a venue - who's going to take over the coordination and responsibility for it? Hungy P? Little? C'mon guys (and girls!) xx

Is that you offering honey????
Quote by Edin BBW
Is that you offering honey????

Thats what it sounded like to me dunno
Good for you EdinburghChris :silly: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Lots of love, hugs and kisses
Quote by lucyweebaps
Unfortunately because of personal circumstances I no longer will be able to continue organising the Edinburgh mini Munch.I'm sorry if this cause any inconvenience or disappointment to any of you

Lucy & Ken
We, too, hope that everything works out OK for you :therethere: kiss :therethere:
Stuart & Tanina hump xxx
Quote by lucyweebaps
Bit of bad news I'm afraid peeps sad
Unfortunately because of personal circumstances I no longer will be able to continue organising the Edinburgh mini Munch.I'm sorry if this cause any inconvenience or disappointment to any of you,
Lucy xxx

we hope everything works out for you both soon. kiss
Carol and fred
Quote by Edin BBW
As the 'show's more or less on the road' - Lucy and Ken have already sorted a venue - who's going to take over the coordination and responsibility for it? Hungy P? Little? C'mon guys (and girls!) xx

Is that you offering honey????
I think you should do it to afterall you did offer to help with the last one if was going to be in edinburgh.
Looks like u have just offered your services to take over lol
Carol xxx
Quote by sexyscotcarol
As the 'show's more or less on the road' - Lucy and Ken have already sorted a venue - who's going to take over the coordination and responsibility for it? Hungy P? Little? C'mon guys (and girls!) xx

Is that you offering honey????
I think you should do it to afterall you did offer to help with the last one if was going to be in edinburgh.
Looks like u have just offered your services to take over lol
Carol xxx
Me??? Hmmm, delves deep into the old grey matter to see if I can remember offering to help if it was in Edinburgh. Was I under the influence of alcohol at the time? If I was then I cannot be held responsible for my actions. Besides, Chris did offer first. :evil2:
thanks all you lovely peeps for your support kiss
Blue eyes has offered to take over the mini munch biggrin Shes has had the experience of organising before .. :D and has been a member for some time .. Good luck Blue..
I'll pass you on the name list hon smile
and please keep our names on the list and hopefully we will be there to support the Scottish contingent again :P
Lucy xxx