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Scottish Munch....... a poignant thought!

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Have we deteriorated so much as a nation up here it takes four months to arrange to meet our friends for a drink?No disrespect to those who are arranging the munch, but more as a comment to the others .....we know that swingers are a lot thinner on the ground up 're not enjoying the clubs or contacts here there are further southso I must admit I'm amazed at the reluctance up here to get together socially on a more regular basis or keep in touch as groups or crack if we don't want to meet up with one another at least for a cupof tea1Would it not be more logical to try and form our own social group up here. Guess I could arrange a good drink up in 24 hrs!!!
think you will find they also try and avoid other munch dates as some of the people may well be going to them. and right now seem to be quite a few munches around. The best munches are the ones that are organised well in advance...I say full respect to the organisers.
Now this don't mean you can't PM your friends on here and arrange a drink or six...I think little informal meeting happen around and about all the time.
well having organised a munch let me tell you how hard they are to organise....
and then let me flip the question around....
no offence... but if you going to complain about waiting so long for a munch why do you get to actually start going to a few.... between now and glasgow... i see there is one is essex, one in leicester, a medival banquet and other things.. and i don't see your name down for any of them... so you can't really complain if you are not going to backside and contribute.....
i try to support people organising as much as i can... money and time permitting, and you will find that a lot of people do.....
sean xxxxxxx
Have we deteriorated so much as a nation up here it takes four months to arrange to meet our friends for a drink?No disrespect to those who are arranging the munch, but more as a comment to the others .....we know that swingers are a lot thinner on the ground up 're not enjoying the clubs or contacts here there are further southso I must admit I'm amazed at the reluctance up here to get together socially on a more regular basis or keep in touch as groups or crack if we don't want to meet up with one another at least for a cupof tea1Would it not be more logical to try and form our own social group up here. Guess I could arrange a good drink up in 24 hrs!!!

To be honest pmusicman, i find your post somewhat offensive. To begin with, the deterioration of our country really has little if anything to do with the Scottish Swinging Scene. I refuse to be drawn into a debate about why it is deteriorating either, since this is neither the time or the place for such discussions.
With regards to meets for cups of tea etc, once again, i find myself at a loss as to where you are finding a problem. I have made many friends through this site and we do indeed blether on a regular basis. In fact, we have even been known to have a meal out as a purely social event. :shock:
Your thoughts on the Scottish munch are obviously without grounds, and i realise that i'm being somewhat confrontational in that statement. There are many reasons for the date of the McMunch being when it is, and i really don't feel the need for a lenthy discussion on the ins and outs of that either. The organiser of the Scottish munch is a well respected member of this site, and is doing a wonderful job to ensure that all the guests are catered for, are safe, and enjoy the munch in a true Scottish Hospitality sort of way.
I do hope to meet you at the Scottish munch if for no other reason than to :kick: and then passionkiss.
Lots of love, hugs and kisses
Thoroughly looking forward to a wonderful event being held in Glasgow March 26th wink
sad :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
You don't even have your name down for the Munch :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: dunno :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :eeek: :eeek:
Little bolt
oh dear ..........................
I go down to Bristol every march for a bash with another site and I know just how much organising these things takes ( usually start getting hotel organised , 10 pin bowling , etc ,etc in December then get the numbers in ).
A munch up in scotland will be harder to organise for many reasons , mainly 1) costs more in time and money for most people to travel up to scotland , 2) no clubs in scotland due to archaic laws , 3) a lot fewer people swinging in Scotland ( or at least admitting to it lol ) so good on those responsible for organising the munch at all.
Munch's , I guess , will be the same as room meets I go to all the time .... just a social meet up , go for a meal and a drink then out to a night club , 10 pin bowling , etc. If you meet someone you like and the 2 of you ( or more as the case may be wink ) get on and decide to shag each others brains out then fine. Just don't expect an orgy as it aint gonna happen.
Davie ( always looking for the good in people , even when some are just a waste of oxygen lol )
We're going to add our praise to Lucyweebaps as well for the organisation of things. We know how difficult it is to do such a thing (OK not a munch but the principals are almost the same) and so have a great deal of sympathy. Dont worry LWB we'll all be there on the night to show our appreciation passionkiss
Regarding the point you have made about meeting up before hand PMUSICMAN.
Go for it. Invite those who you have gotten to know via PM on this site and who know you. Most of us are quite happy to meet up for coffee etc with those we have taken the time to get to know. There are several people on the forum who we would happily invite for a social meet and who would (We hope) be quite happy to do so.
It's a question of trust. I'm sure that there are a lot of us Central Belt, or further afield, Scots who would love a regular meet near to home.
Over to you.......
Have we deteriorated so much as a nation up here it takes four months to arrange to meet our friends for a drink?No disrespect to those who are arranging the munch, but more as a comment to the others .....we know that swingers are a lot thinner on the ground up 're not enjoying the clubs or contacts here there are further southso I must admit I'm amazed at the reluctance up here to get together socially on a more regular basis or keep in touch as groups or crack if we don't want to meet up with one another at least for a cupof tea1Would it not be more logical to try and form our own social group up here. Guess I could arrange a good drink up in 24 hrs!!!

Can't believe i have just read this crap.
4 months is not a long time when trying to get people from all over the counrty interested in joining us scots for a social occasion. We take our hat off to Lucy for arranging this.
As for a reluctance up here, we must say that we have never found this to be the case at all.
We don't all have the time to go to meets frequently. Christmas has just passed, which takes up a lot of peoples time, not to mention energy.
The munch was organised for March because of other meets, munches etc that were/are going on.
Personally, i think it was the best time, given the amount of other events on the calendar.
The munch is for people from all over the country and not just the scots. It is a fair distance for some of them to travel.
Given plenty of notice, people can arrange babysitters, time off work and finances to be able to attend such gatherings.
It is a pity that more people from Scotland don't take the time to nip down south for the meets that happen there. We only know of a handful of people that do make the effort to travel south of the border.
We just don't have enough swingers in Scotland, compared to south of the border, to have a big gathering often.
Surely one munch in Scotland every 9 - 10 months is plenty, considering the distance that the majority would have to travel.
We appreciate the effort that the guys from south of the border make in order to attend "The Scottish Swinger's Social Scene" wink
Gill & Del x
HIYA First let me say that i am a new member who has only been on this site for about 3 or 4 month & in all that time i have chatted to lots of people from scotland on this site & indeed from down south. Now her is where i get on my High Horse Just who the hell do you think you are having a go at Us Scottish members for taking a few months to organise a Munch? It make me bloddy angry that people Who are not even going to the Munch have the Brass Neck to critisies others, this is indicitive of a small section of Scottish people who seem to have a problem & all they can do is be negative & critisis others. This is just Stupid Cras Arrogance & i for one will not stand by & see the likes of Lucyweebaps get critisised & the SH member who are GOING to the Munch as well get this type of abuse. If you have a problem go & get some Bloody Theropy OK. I would also like to point out that ther is a pre-meet in Dundee the day befor the Scottish munch & although i do not know Dundeecpl who are holding it i do know from friends that they are a great cpl & im glad to see that they also have made there feeling know. Well done & well done to Lucy for doing such a great job this will be my first munch but hopefully not my last. OK I Am Now DONE FOR NOW mad
redface Fairly embarassed that anyone could have taken my comments as any criticism or comment on the efforts of Lucyand Co.I stated quite clearly that I intended no disrespect or criticismism of the munch most of you replying understoodthis and I have sent PM's answering your points and thanking you for your advice ,however I feel I took an unwarrented slap and although I shouldn"t be too upset.......because the person concerned obviously failed to read my posting and understand what it said.....(his criticism and spelling show no better grasp on the language!) is still hurtful.......maybe I should learn to keep my big mouth shut! I made the mistake of thinking I could air my views freely to my friends!
The reason my name isn't down for the Mc Munch is that as a working musician I usually have to work weekends and am definitely working on that I frequently travel to meet people down south as well as in Scotland.I've got on famously with everyone I've met through the site,but must admit to being a trifle astounded at the attitude of some people i've been in touch with and franklyI find it very peculiar that some people expect to arrange a meet without having a conversation!
My main intention was to stimulate some interest,get in touch with more people and make new friendsand I would like to make it clear that I'll meet anyone socially,I'll answer all correspondance(civilly) and I'm happy to give my phone number to anyone who fancies a natter!
Once again I apologise for any embarrassment or angst felt either by munch organisers or the many nice people in Scotland Who keep in touch with one another and have been a pleasure to meet!
Hay Ho We cant all Be expert Typists now can we? My typing mistake are usually made when i am angry & feel that people are attacking other people even if they have said beforhand that they are not. Nice bit of arse covering or is it just reverce phycology?
I for one didnt mean any offence to musicman But i was angry & annoyed. But bye all means PM me if you have a problem with what i have writen after all we all have a right to our views no matter what they are.
Bobby Always In The Shit Only The Depth Varies. wink



People in glass houses and all that. You can't criticise someone's spelling if you can't do
it properly yourself!! lol
ps it's unwarranted, correspondence and criticism :lol:

It's alsoembarrassed lol
I didn't think this site would be such an edjacaishun on the art of spelling write!
Embdy got any advice on grammar and
paragraphing properly?
Ev'rything's getting too tense. Is that a pun or just a figure of speech? Maybe a play on words. And is "wow" onomatopoeiac (spell that!)? And are you allowed to start or finish a sentence with the word "and"? Or have I had too much coca-cola and can't get to sleep? And should brand names have capitals? And are these questions rhetorical? Or am I talking to myself?
Im molly i met musicman threw this site and u could have met a nicer guy we have met 3 times already and he is such a gentleman looked after me and made sure i was satifsfied first before we did anything else hope there are going to be more of the same and we are going to stay friends for a long time to come
Good Golly miss molly
redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :giggle:
Ps Alright so I'm a shite speller too,but I'm never rude!
redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :giggle:
Ps Alright so I'm a shite speller too,but I'm never rude!

Shit, damn, bollocks, hell, drat, omg, shame. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Lots of love, hugs and kisses
passionkiss XXX
lol MIke, missed that one, but you get my drift.
Bandmaster, the point was that Musicman was pointing out someone else's poor spelling; if you do that, you should at least make sure your public post contains correct spellings.
We all make mistakes now and again yes, but I do try to make sure mine are correct when I comment on someone else's spelling!
As to your points about grammar and paragraphing etc., there have been many comments made about peoples' inadequacies in both of these areas. It's not so much being pedantic as pointing out that they make a post easier to read and understand, that's all. Some people's posts are so bad (spelling and punctuation) that people give up before they reach the end, which is a shame if the person is actually nice and making a generally nice, sensible post.
Well it cant be me who is being rude as i am always a gentleman. Some people are just so sensative the poor Dears. Note to myself Must BE nicer To ALL people in future no matter What They SAY
LMFAO :twisted: