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shaved pussy ? STOP THAT NOW !!!!!

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Warming the Bed
Hello Everyone... Been reading you all for 2 months are COOL ! We are Ad 141259 but only together at weekends :cry: so on my own lots. Live Ilkley on my own nice flat 48 sadly . Right... may as well be banned straight away.... Why Oh Why Oh Why do you do it girls? PLEASE TELL ME!!! I am confused enough as it is without all this happening !
Gluttons for punishment I think!
Warming the Bed
Wow first time chatting and get best boobs of the year.. You have made my day Venus. TRUELY . Just had unexpected visit from Liz for an hour so double lucky she said that web cam can make video... she is a little monkey tried it .. she is right!
Visited old friends in Haworth other night mixed 40s couples not swingers or anything on my bloody own. Subject cropped up with the girls and I seemed to be ploughing a lone furrow on this one... but really some things should be left well alone it looks so nice! maybe its time they put me in the same home as my Mum. Sensitivity was mentioned and I was banging the table to make my point mad Dont think me nuts please I just wonder why from a girly side cause there is nothing and I mean nothing in the world as nice as snuggling up to something soft and warm and comforting and shampooed . Just think if you shaved a cat it would not have that sensual feel when you stroked it! OK had my say thanks for listening and STOP IT NOW... I WONT TELL YOU AGAIN i WILL GET MY ARAMIS OUT THEN IT WILL END IN TEARS !
luv luv luv
Just how much coffee did you drink today?! lol
Warming the Bed
Thanks for letting me in. You are very good people
Goodnight x
Night hun, and you are welcome, you made me feel like a celebrity! :bounce:
There`ll be no stopping me now SH, joeboy just created a monster! :mrgreen: