Hi am new to this site looking for females forno strings day time fun and friendship age unimportant.
Thnks for reading
Quote by kry10
You'll be very lucky to find one m8....
Had my advert in here for about a week and the ratio is 10 blokes to about 2 girls who are up for anything, so, don't go crossing ya fingers, you will get arthritis, lol.
Quote by kry10
Had my advert in here for about a week l.
Quote by kry10
Well, it feels like a week, lol, been busy with stuff and losing track of days, my apologies, I am new after all and STILL waiting for my mentor, perhaps if I was assigned one I wouldn't make fluffs like this (wishfull thinking on my part I know).
I pwomise I will be a widdle good boy.....
Quote by kry10
Well, it feels like a week, lol, been busy with stuff and losing track of days, my apologies, I am new after all and STILL waiting for my mentor, perhaps if I was assigned one I wouldn't make fluffs like this (wishfull thinking on my part I know).
I pwomise I will be a widdle good boy.....
Quote by da69ve
Well, it feels like a week, lol, been busy with stuff and losing track of days, my apologies, I am new after all and STILL waiting for my mentor, perhaps if I was assigned one I wouldn't make fluffs like this (wishfull thinking on my part I know).
I pwomise I will be a widdle good boy.....
Quote by lancyuk
Had my advert in here for about a week l.