Well here goes........a few of us from the site sent went out on Friday for Social in town. We ended up in MOD EDITED OUT EXACT LOCATION AS IT'S AGAINST THE RULES and had a great night. So we were thinking why not organise a social night out once or month.
There are plenty of swingers in Sheffield to make this work.....and socials are great fun. Ambi and I will be organising these events......so venues and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We have attended socials in the MOD EDITED OUT EXACT LOCATION AS IT'S AGAINST THE RULES before, lovely in the summer because of the nice beer garden
How about 2nd weekend of the month....so the first meet would be the 9th or 10th June.
Come on lets have some fun nights out during the summer.............good to make friends for the cold dark winter nights hehehehe