Thanks for a great night Minxie.
Great venue, great people,great party and great DJ.
Lots of Love
Phil (from Dublin)
Great night Minxie - as always it was great to meet old friends again and to make some new ones. Thanks for all the effort.
Hey Minxie,
Thanks for putting on a great night, shame I had to duck out a bit early but I did have an early rise ;-) lol I've just got back from my marathon drive to pick up my new bike.
Can I be first to sign up for the next do ?
Rob x
minx what another great night you organised...many thanks you are truelly a 1 off,and a friend..x......
A quick note for all those that confirm and then don't turn up....why waste peoples time and others efforts to put on an evening for all.
to the new friends i met a big hello and hope to see you soon...x.
Hello minxy
Thank you for a lovley time. The 4 hour drive was a pain in the ass but the fab party more than made up for it.
I really enjoyed it and the people who did not come really were losers because it was a fab party and a lovely night and you were the best snog I have had in absolutely ages.
love Billy xxx
hi minx babes just wanna say a big thank you for all ur hard work, thanks from my friend too luv u babes xxx
Darling Minx,
Thanks for an absolutely brilliant night, most definitely worth the journey to meet such lovely people.
Sorry about the noise - blame H!!!! I'll bring ear plugs for all to the next one - ha ha
Scarlett xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This was my first singles social and being the shy quite one I was very reluctant to walk through the door (I sound like scarlet now). It was a great night a real eye and ear opener. Thank you to all there
There seems to be a pattern of people adding names to socials and not turning up. Everyone can understand a few to drop out but when you get over 50 - 60 percent, it shows that people have no consideration for the hard work that is put in by the organisers. So think before you add your names to socials.
The host has to pay for the room hire. The host has to pay for the disco. The host has to pay for the food. The host has to organise the entire evening for your enjoyment because you said you were going to be there. So think before you promise to attend socials as no one can afford to be out of pocket.
Thanks minx and bux
When's the next party - very soon I hope.
Hi Minxie
Re previous post, fully understand - just make sure I'm invited! LOL.
Ah bugger - kinda saw myself missing this as soon as the date was posted (wasn't a great time of the month) but hey, so glad to see good reports about a fab party
(Who says singles don't know how to swing?)
Next one,maybe I can get to join you all
(PS: Where's L'boro???)