For those of u who have been to our socials before you know you are going to have a really good time, those of u who haven't been to 1 yet ask people and they will tell you what you have been missing.
If you are interested put your names on the list and we will get back to you.
The social will be held in a closed function room and if enough people want food and a disco which will encure a charge,we will have to charge an admittance fee, we would prefere to keep the socials free but so far many people have mentioned that they wouldn't mind paying to go if music and food is included, charging would serve 2 purposes, 1, to keep out locals who think its ok to just enter the hall, 2, improve the atmosphere even more which after 15th feb is almost impossible any way.
Have a think about it and let me know what u think.
Rich and Joan
Thank you all for your feedback regarding food and disco, most regard food as going a bit far but all have given possitive feedback regarding a disco, so therefore i think i have managed to secure a disco for the night and am awaiting final numbers of people attending so as to see how much its going to cost people to attend, dont forget the more that come the cheaper it will be.
Here's to another good night.
Richard and Joan
We have been given the option of a meal comprising of chicken/scampi in the basket for a very reasonable per head, any1 wishing to take advantage of thisplease let us know as soon as possible as i must order it in advance, I must know if you require food and what u would like by Monday at the latest. Thank you, Rich and Joan
Names on the list
richjoan - confirmed - 1x scampi 1x chicken
Chameleons00 - confirmed
324isgood - confirmed
cardiffbicouple - confirmed
samantha44 - confirmed
samtan - confirmed
kendavis - confirmed - scampi
Tigerlili - confirmed
wildnwelsh - confirmed
sweetwelshcake - confirmed
tysam11969 - confirmed
scarletboy - confirmed
richie634 - confirmed
lilredshoes - confirmed
cariad920 - confirmed
joctaff - confirmed - chicken
kitty2007 - confirmed - chicken
GazzaH - confirmed - nil
pepperk - confirmed
jeffandali - confirmed - scampi x2
billyboytoy - confirmed
WMO - confirmed
jugfeeler - confirmed
letzplaytoo - confirmed
Bsab - confirmed
2hot2handle - confirmed
naughty paul uk - confirmed
heartbreakkid01 - confirmed
Mal-42 - confirmed
piercedpussy - confirmed - scampi x 2
sexysonya2008 - confirmed
andy70 - confirmed
steve-j - confirmed - Scampi x2
Hotsean2002 - confirmed
Joocy Jayne - confirmed - nill
evanlpus - confirmed
welsh-007 - confirmed
iainmac - confirmed - scampi x2
Linda_jones - confirmed
bongoboy103 -
RampantRobert - confirmed
upferit - confirmed - Chicken
Leytoncouple - confirmed - Chicken
uridrum - confirmed
Dtxcom1 - confirmed
andylondon - confirmed
welshbeef_2006 - confirmed
bifireguy - confirmed
woofster - confirmed
fox2006 - confirmed
easyrider2008 - confirmed - Chicken
SoniaBiChris - confirmed - Chicken x2
scabbler - confirmed
taffman1973 - confirmed
ali2008 - confirmed - Chicken
Sparky530 - confirmed
kenny9591 - confirmed
Jades2222 - confirmed