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Southend Shakedown 6th Pervy Easter Monday Piss-up

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I'll do it for nice like that - just not nice enough to carry it for you lol
this year?
*innocent smile* :lol:
Quote by tabbi
I'll post tomorrow with a description of whatever helium balloon i buy for this year so you can find me lol :lol:

Ha haaaaaaaaaaa :lol:
Right, today I brought home with me a rather large and obvious effin grt big smilie balloon in a spotted orange hat. If anyone misses it, you need your eyes tested. But anyway I need my bloody brain tested. What's left of my street cred is about to go flying out the window when I walk down the high street with it :sad: :lol:
Of course I could always make someone else carry it and walk three paces ahead of me lol
Now if I was clever, I'd do what Tip just did and put a picture of it up, but I'm not, so you'll all just have to trust me that It'll stand out a feckin mile :lol:
Mind you, the last laugh will be on Ian and Jane, because it's tradition that they get to take the mascot home with them :lol:
Forum Virgin
count me in tabbi, ive got some jobs to do during the day but i can make late afternoon/early evening, let me know where x
Quote by batman2002
count me in tabbi, ive got some jobs to do during the day but i can make late afternoon/early evening, let me know where x

Done ;)