Hi there, i would like to attend please, very new
Hope to see you there
andysmith and jamman added thanks guys
hi deal or no deal
Could you put me n list please
tequila!!!! yay couple of ducks etc
Fantasic, and event I can get to!
Count me in, if that's okay with all...
Cockburn added
Loppyloo added also (private message)
sorry am not going to be able to make it now am having surgery on 24th!!
Sue xx
don't forget to take me off
should put mr grot under males lol
Hope all goes well painted lady and will change ya Grots lol
OI you havent put our names down and we will cry and have a paddy if you dont lol
Please add us forth with if not sooner lol
Mark and Helen xxxxx
Oooops dont cry dry ya eye :happy: you is now added :rose:
Strumpey and Stumpey yeahhhhhhhh added
Hi we would love to come along..
Can you please put our names down..
Rick N Susan (2gether) xx