My wife and myself are going to Amsterdam in June for a 3 day break and want to go to a swing club whilst over there. Just wondered if anyone had any recommendations?
The Paradise Club in Amsterdam ,north 6,is a very nice club,check the website for details,i'm told mixed nights can be a pain for the ladies because of the single guys(unless thats what you're into obviously) but the couples only nights are excellent.
I believe fun4two is good as well,it's a case of looking at thr recent reviews and then giving it a try,I hope this helps,john
have a look at fatu morganas and the showboat clubs both closer to dam than fun4two and just as good you may want to have a look at cafesameplace walking distance from dam sq allthough a little seedy but we love it there. have fun..
we went recently, but the clubs are way out of town and cost in the region of 40 euro each way in a taxi
Sameplace is good but fetishy and a bit seedy but a brilliant night with lots of play - check the website for dress code for the night.
Paradise is a nice club but single guys can be a pain on a mixed night.
We've not been to the Candy but never heard a good thing about it.
Fata and Showboat are both good but, as kerryandian say, expensive to get to.