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Swingers Masked Ball

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166 replies
6 watchers
Count me in as its my birthday in April, sounds fun too
If this is truly open to forum users, bot just pitched ay chatroom users, I really, really like the sound of it :thumbup:
But btw - what is meant these days by "FULL members" ?
Quote by midscplfun
The night would be open to all FULL members singles and couples, however if not a regular of the Mids room or new to SH we would ask that someone could vouch for you
hi there menace and myself pepps would love to come to the ball, any excuse to dress in a ball gown and i'm there lol thanks peppsxx
Mmmmmmmmmmm men in boxers and bow ties eh??? I will go for that. lol
Yes we are interested in a masked ball, oh yes, I have to be as it was somewhat my idea in the first place lol. rolleyes
Anytime after May is good for us. biggrin
Please just add yourself to this thread and someone will contact you with more details if there is enough interest.
Put us down please... oh how coolio!!! biggrin
Sounds like fun would love to come.
Quote by Chaotic_Spirit
i want in! i want in! i want in! i want in!
lol, maybe im a bit to eagr for this....pmsl

well i cant have my wife going without me lol
put me down ............... on the list that is !!
now i think its a major diet time so as not to look silly in evening dress !!
Can i put my male partner name down too please, PKrams65, then i have both boyrfirend and girlfriend there, god im a greedy girl!

Count me in lol but will need dates as soon as available xxxxxxx lol
yess please
ask me nearer the date mite be able to get a cheap deal on the music
Cy'all there
hi, i love the idea of this and i am definatly up for it!!!!
please keep me informed of the dates!!!
I would love to cum, and i can be vouched for by a couple of bods in the mids room
Sounds like it would be a real ball !!!!
Please count me in !! :twisted:
Quote by foxyandbeasty
Put us down please... oh how coolio!!! biggrin

I know just the place to put YOU down foxy :twisted: passionkiss
Quote by midscplfun
Hi All
Please just add yourself to this thread and someone will contact you with more details if there is enough interest.

Oh yes please:-)
Quote by Sassy-Seren

Put us down please... oh how coolio!!! biggrin

I know just the place to put YOU down foxy :twisted: passionkiss
I'm definitely up for this! :twisted:
Seriously though... please put my name down, as if this could be arranged I'm sure it would be a wonderful experience!
we'd love an invite please !
sounds fun.
we would def be interested in finding out when it is and what the arrangements are and stuff. then if its doable we would come.
I'd be interested - depending on date, cost, & guestlist.
will wait for the definate details before I commit to anything but in theory its a fab idea wink
Quote by midscplfun

But btw - what is meant these days by "FULL members" ?

The night would be open to all FULL members singles and couples, however if not a regular of the Mids room or new to SH we would ask that someone could vouch for you

As i said it is my first post and was advised this was the term to use so Im as mystified as you - but it is open to everyone and not pitched at chat room users only so can we count you in ?
Yes please, subject to usual - dates/costs/etc :thumbup:
Quote by dambuster
Yes please, subject to usual - dates/costs/etc :thumbup:

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
yep me too, count me in, again depending upon date but i am definately interested
Earthy xx
Sounds interesting count me in
Now wheres them weights lol
would love to hear more about it sounds like fun lol
Look out, it's the Cafe crowd :scared:
there goes the neighbourhood :dry:
depends on how far from us , but def interested .
sounds like fun let me know the details but will look more like a chippendale sideboard lol
Hiy guys, please can we have an invite, pls pls pls lol
By the way as of tomorrow we will be called we124q2 just so you know.
Love ya Nickiexxxx
We would be interested in the ball sounds a good night in the planningxxxx
Please let us know the details